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Created January 14, 2015 11:27
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Gofer migration 2
packageNames := #(ConfigurationOfEpiceaSorter EpiceaSorter EpiceaSorterAnalysis).
sourceHttpRepository :=
owner: 'MartinDias'
project: 'Epicea'
user: 'MartinDias'
password: 'xxxx'.
destinationHttpRepository :=
owner: 'MartinDias'
project: 'EpiceaUntangler'
user: 'MartinDias'
password: 'xxxx'.
errors := OrderedCollection new.
packageNames do: [ :aPackageName |
| fileNames |
fileNames := sourceHttpRepository fileNamesForPackageNamed: aPackageName.
do: [ :aFileName |
[(destinationHttpRepository includesFileNamed: aFileName) ifFalse: [
| aVersion |
aVersion := sourceHttpRepository versionFromFileNamed: aFileName.
destinationHttpRepository storeVersion: aVersion] ]
on: Error
do: [ :e | errors add: aFileName -> e ]. ]
displayingProgress: [ 'Processing ', aPackageName, ' (total: ', fileNames size asString, ')' ]
missingFileNamesByPackageName := packageNames collect: [ :aPackageName |
| sourceFileNames destinationFileNames |
sourceFileNames := sourceHttpRepository fileNamesForPackageNamed: aPackageName.
destinationFileNames := destinationHttpRepository fileNamesForPackageNamed: aPackageName.
aPackageName -> (sourceFileNames difference: destinationFileNames).
errors2 := OrderedCollection new.
(missingFileNamesByPackageName flatCollect: #value) do: [ :aFileName |
(destinationHttpRepository includesFileNamed: aFileName) ifFalse: [
| aVersion |
aVersion := sourceHttpRepository versionFromFileNamed: aFileName.
destinationHttpRepository storeVersion: aVersion] ]
on: Error
do: [ :e | errors2 add: aFileName -> e ]. ]
displayingProgress: [ :aFileName | 'Re-trying with ', aFileName ].
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