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tinchodias / imageget
Created February 8, 2013 09:41
Script for getting latest Pharo 2.0 image
# DOWNLOAD THE LATEST IMAGE ===================================================
wget --progress=bar:force $IMAGE_URL
unzip -qo
rm -rf
tinchodias / vmget
Created February 8, 2013 09:46
Script for getting the latest Cog VM for Pharo
#try to backup (and remove) the current vm ====================================
OLD_VM=/Applications/NBCog-$(date +%-Y-%-m-%-d)-$(date +%H-%M-%S).zip
zip -q -rm $OLD_VM /Applications/
# DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VM ======================================================
wget --progress=bar:force $VM_URL
#wget --quiet $VM_URL
tinchodias /
Created February 8, 2013 10:12
My Pharo 2.0 settings. I have this file in ~/Library/Preferences/pharo. They are run every time I open a Pharo 2.0 image.
StartupLoader default executeAtomicItems: {
name: 'Settings'
code: [
Author fullName: 'MartinDias'.
World color:Color darkGray darker.
CodeHolder showAnnotationPane: true.
MCCodeTool showAnnotationPane: true.
Deprecation raiseWarning: true.
Debugger alwaysOpenFullDebugger: true.
tinchodias /
Created August 13, 2013 11:50
Repository migration from Sthub to Sthub in Pharo3
| conf oldRepository newRepository gofer user pass project |
conf := #ConfigurationOfSandbox.
oldRepository := ''.
newRepository := ''.
user := 'MartinDias'.
pass := '123'.
gofer := Gofer new
package: conf.
tinchodias /
Created January 14, 2015 11:27
Gofer migration 2
packageNames := #(ConfigurationOfEpiceaSorter EpiceaSorter EpiceaSorterAnalysis).
sourceHttpRepository :=
owner: 'MartinDias'
project: 'Epicea'
user: 'MartinDias'
password: 'xxxx'.
destinationHttpRepository :=
owner: 'MartinDias'
tinchodias / arbolitoCapture.pde
Created May 31, 2015 13:24
Processing: arbolito capture
* Recursive Tree
* by Daniel Shiffman.
* Renders a simple tree-like structure via recursion.
* The branching angle is calculated as a function of
* the horizontal mouse location. Move the mouse left
* and right to change the angle.
(Smalltalk globals
at: #StartupPreferencesLoader
ifAbsent: [ StartupLoader ]) default executeAtomicItems: {
name: 'EpiceaTaskClustererValidation'
code: [
| button total shouldLoad |
(Smalltalk isInteractive
and: [ (Smalltalk globals hasClassNamed: #EpVoter) not
tinchodias /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Pharo script to install the script in user system's preferences directory.
| response |
response := ZnEasy get: ''.
response isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: response printString ]
ifTrue: [
(FileLocator preferences asFileReference / 'pharo') ensureCreateDirectory.
(FileLocator preferences asFileReference / 'pharo' / '') writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: response contents ] ]
Smalltalk evaluate: (ZnEasy get: '') contents
(Smalltalk globals
at: #StartupPreferencesLoader
ifAbsent: [ StartupLoader ]) default executeAtomicItems: {
name: 'EpiceaLoad'
code: [
| button total shouldLoad |
(Smalltalk isInteractive
and: [ (Smalltalk globals hasClassNamed: #EpMonitor) not