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Forked from tmhedberg/concurrent_sieve.hs
Created November 18, 2012 15:39
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Concurrent prime sieve translated from Go (
-- Compile with `ghc -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N concurrent_sieve.hs`
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
-- Map over [2..] (2 until infinity), putting the value in mOut. The putting operation will block until
-- mOut is empty. mOut will become empty when some other thread executes takeMVar (getting its value).
generate :: MVar Int -> IO ()
generate mOut = mapM_ (putMVar mOut) [2..]
-- Take a value from mIn, divide it by a prime, if the remainder is not 0, put the value in mOut.
primeFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
primeFilter mIn mOut prime = forever $ do
i <- takeMVar mIn
when (i `mod` prime /= 0) (putMVar mOut i)
-- Take the first commandline argument and call it numArg.
-- Create a new mVar and call it mIn and spawn a thread that runs generate on mIn.
-- Read numArg as an integer value, and run newEmptyMVar that amount of times,
-- calling the result out.
-- Fold over the elements of out, with the function linkFilter, having mIn as the first value.
main = do numArg:_ <- getArgs
mIn <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ generate mIn
out <- replicateM (read numArg) newEmptyMVar
foldM_ linkFilter mIn out
-- Take a value from mIn, and call it prime. Then show that prime. Make a new thread that
-- runs primeFilter with mIn, mOut and the prime. When this function is used as a fold
-- function, mOut becomes the mIn of the next iteration.
linkFilter :: MVar Int -> MVar Int -> IO (MVar Int)
linkFilter mIn mOut = do prime <- takeMVar mIn
putStrLn $ show prime
forkIO $ primeFilter mIn mOut prime
return mOut
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I think you need a $ between forever and do on line 15 or it won't parse correctly.

Good comments though. :)

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tinco commented Nov 18, 2012

Woops, absolutely right, that's what I get for making changes without compiling ;)

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