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Download and install on your Pantheon Wordpress site.
#!/usr/bin/env php
* This script will download and install
* on your Pantheon Wordpress site.
* Works on Macintosh / Linux.
* Usage:
* terminus auth login
* php add-php-sessions-plugin.php my-site-name [env]
while (count($argv) > 0) {
$arg = array_shift($argv);
if ($arg[0] == '-') {
switch ($arg) {
case "--port":
$sftp_port = array_shift($argv);
case "--pantheon-sessions-version":
$pantheon_sessions_version = array_shift($argv);
else {
if ($site == "") {
$site = $arg;
else {
// Generally, you should only use 'dev' or a multi-dev branch here.
$env = $arg;
function tempdir($dir=FALSE, $prefix='') {
$tempfile=tempnam($dir ? $dir : sys_get_temp_dir(), $prefix);
if (file_exists($tempfile)) { unlink($tempfile); }
if (is_dir($tempfile)) { return $tempfile; }
if (empty($site)) {
print "Usage: $self SITE [ENV]";
// Get the site UUID
$uuid = exec("terminus site info --site=$site --field=id");
// Write the wp-native-php-sessions code to the site with
// the sftp command line tool, and commit it with terminus.
// Make sure the site is awake
exec("terminus site wake --site=$site --env=dev");
$mu_plugins_path = 'wp-content/mu-plugins';
$work_dir = tempdir();
// We are going to write the pantheon sessions loader into wp-content/mu-plugins
$pantheon_sessions_loader = "<?php
require_once(__DIR__ . '/wp-native-php-sessions/pantheon-sessions.php');";
file_put_contents('00-pantheon-sessions.php', $pantheon_sessions_loader);
// Download the pantheon-sessions plugin; we are going to write it to wp-content/mu-plugins as well
exec("curl -OL$");
rename("$", "");
rename("wp-native-php-sessions-$pantheon_sessions_version", 'wp-native-php-sessions');
// Make a batch file for the sftp tool
$sftp_batch_contents = "cd code/wp-content/mu-plugins
put 00-pantheon-sessions.php
put -r wp-native-php-sessions";
file_put_contents($sftp_batch_file, $sftp_batch_contents);
// We need to be in sftp mode to write the file
passthru("terminus site set-connection-mode --site=\"$site\" --env=\"$env\" --mode=sftp");
// Use the sftp cli tool to upload 00-pantheon-sessions.php and wp-native-php-sessions
passthru("sftp -o Port=\"$sftp_port\" -b \"$sftp_batch_file\" \"$sftp_host\"");
// Commit it to the database.
passthru("terminus site code commit --site=\"$site\" --env=\"$env\" --message=\"Add wp-native-php-sessions/pantheon-sessions to the must-use plugins directory.\" --yes");
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