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Created October 14, 2017 22:21
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Naturebytes Camera to Hologram Nova
# Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit | V1.07 (Pixel)
# Based on the excellent official Raspberry Pi tutorials and a little extra from Naturebytes
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from subprocess import call
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import PythonMagick
import base64
# Logging all of the camera's activity to the "naturebytes_camera_log" file. If you want to watch what your camera
# is doing step by step you can open a Terminal window and type "cd /Naturebytes/Scripts" and then type
# "tail -f naturebytes_camera_log" - leave this Terminal window open and you can view the logs live
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',filename='naturebytes_camera_log',level=logging.DEBUG)'Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit started up successfully')
# Assigning a variable to the pins that we have connected the PIR to
sensorPin = 13
# *** Legacy Kickstarter edition only *** You may want to detect the battery status (low or high) if using a Powerboost, so we code commented out a way of doing this to assist using pin 15
# lowbattPin = 15
# Setting the GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins up so we can detect if they are HIGH or LOW (on or off)
GPIO.setup(sensorPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
# GPIO.setup(lowbattPin, GPIO.IN)
# Defining our default states so we can detect a change
prevState = False
currState = False
# prevBattState = False
# currBattState = False
# Setting up Nova
from Hologram.HologramCloud import HologramCloud
credentials = {'devicekey': '????????'}
cloud = HologramCloud(credentials, network='cellular')
# Starting a loop
while True:
prevState = currState
# prevBattState = currBattState
# Map the state of the camera to our input pins (jumper cables connected to your PIR)
currState = GPIO.input(sensorPin)
# currBattState = GPIO.input(lowbattPin)
# Checking that our state has changed
if currState != prevState:
# About to check if our new state is HIGH or LOW
newState = "HIGH" if currState else "LOW"
# newBattState = "HIGH" if currBattState else "LOW"
print "GPIO pin %s is %s" % (sensorPin, newState)
# print "Battery level detected via pin %s is %s" % (lowbattPin, newBattState)
if currState: # Our state has changed, so that must be a trigger from the PIR
i = # Get the time now
get_date = i.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Get and format the date
get_time = i.strftime('%H-%M-%S.%f') # Get and format the time
# batt_state = newBattState
# Checking the current status of the battery
# Recording that a PIR trigger was detected and logging the battery level at this time'PIR trigger detected')
#'Battery level is %(get_batt_level)s', { 'get_batt_level': batt_state })
# Assigning a variable so we can create a photo JPG file that contains the date and time as its name
photo = get_date + '_' + get_time + '.jpg'
# Using the raspistill library to take a photo. You can show that a photo has been taken in a small preview box on the desktop by changing --nopreview to --preview
cmd = 'raspistill -t 300 -w 1920 -h 1440 --nopreview -o /media/usb0/' + photo
print 'cmd ' +cmd
# If you find you have permission problems saving to other attached non-Naturebytes storage devices you can use this line to change the owner of the photo if required
# perms = 'chown pi:pi /media/usb0/' + photo
# print 'perms ' +perms
# Log that we have just taking a photo"'About to take a photo and save to the USB drive')
call ([cmd], shell=True)
# call ([perms], shell=True)
# Log that a photo was taken successfully and state the file name so we know which one"'Photo taken successfully %(show_photo_name)s', { 'show_photo_name': photo })
photo_location = '/media/usb0/' + photo
img = PythonMagick.Image(photo_location)
img.write('/media/usb0/' + "small" + photo)
file_name = '/media/usb0/' + "small" + photo
encoded = base64.b64encode(open(file_name, "rb").read())
recv = cloud.sendMessage(encoded, topics = ["naturebytes"]) ("recv = %s", recv)
# Log that we are about to attempt to write the overlay text. This was removed in v1.07 to speed up the capture process."'Skipping legacy overlay text')
# overlay = "/usr/bin/convert "+ photo_location + " "
# Use ImageMagick to write text and meta data onto the photo.
# overlay += " -gravity north -background black -extent +0+40 +repage -box black -fill white -pointsize 24 -gravity southwest -annotate +6+6 'Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit | Date & Time: " + get_date + '" '" + get_time '" -gravity southeast -annotate +6+6 'Camera 1 " "'" + photo_location
# overlay += " -gravity north -background black -extent +0+40 +repage -box black -fill white -pointsize 24 -gravity southwest -annotate +6+6 'Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit | Date & Time: " + get_date + " " + get_time + "' -gravity southeast -annotate +6+6 'Camera 1' " + photo_location
# Log that we the text was added successfully"
#'Added the overlay text successfully')
# call ([overlay], shell=True)
# Add a small Naturebytes logo to the top left of the photo. Note - you could change this to your own logo if you wanted.
#'Adding the Naturebytes logo')
# overlay = '/usr/bin/convert '+ photo_location + ' /home/pi/Naturebytes/Scripts/naturebytes_logo_80.png -geometry +1+1 -composite ' + photo_location
# call ([overlay], shell=True)
# Log that the logo was added succesfully"
#'Logo added successfully')
# print "Waiting for a new PIR trigger to continue"'Waiting for a new PIR trigger to continue')
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