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Created December 8, 2023 23:25
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Quick test of bg set ops vs corresponding logic operations
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <fstream>
#include <random>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>
namespace bg = boost::geometry;
using point = bg::model::point<int, 2, bg::cs::cartesian>;
using polygon = bg::model::polygon<point>;
using multipoly = bg::model::multi_polygon<polygon>;
template <int width, int height, bool verbose = false>
multipoly bits_to_geometry(std::bitset<width * height> const& bits)
const polygon full({{point{0, 0}, point{0, 2 * height}, point{2 * width, 2 * height}, point{2 * width, 0}, point{0, 0}}});
if( !bg::is_valid(full) ) std::cout << "Full invalid.\n";
multipoly out({full});
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
if( ! bits[j * width + i] )
multipoly temp;
polygon hole({{{2 * i, 2 * j}, {2 * i, 2 * j + 2}, {2 * i + 2, 2* j + 2}, {2 * i + 2, 2 * j}, {2 * i, 2 * j}}});
bg::difference(out, hole, temp);
if constexpr(verbose)
if( !bg::is_valid(temp) )
std::cout << "out: " << bg::wkt(out) << "\n";
std::cout << "hole: " << bg::wkt(hole) << "\n";
std::cout << "out \\ hole: " << bg::wkt(temp) << "\n";
out = temp;
return out;
template <int width, int height>
std::bitset<width * height> geometry_to_bits(multipoly const& geo)
std::bitset<width * height> out;
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
point test({2 * i + 1, 2 * j + 1});
out[j * width + i] = bg::within(test, geo);
return out;
template <int width, int height, bool svg = false>
void print_failure(auto bits1, auto bits2, auto resbits, auto geo1, auto geo2, auto resgeo, auto op)
if constexpr(svg)
std::ofstream svg1("my_map1.svg");
std::ofstream svg2("my_map2.svg");
std::ofstream svg3("my_map3.svg");
bg::svg_mapper<point> mapper1(svg1, 400, 400);
bg::svg_mapper<point> mapper2(svg2, 400, 400);
bg::svg_mapper<point> mapper3(svg3, 400, 400);
mapper1.add(point{2 * width, 2 * height});
mapper2.add(point{2 * width, 2 * height});
mapper3.add(point{2 * width, 2 * height});, "fill: red");, "fill: red");, "fill: red");
std::cout << "geo1: " << bg::wkt(geo1) << "\n";
std::cout << "geo2: " << bg::wkt(geo2) << "\n";
std::cout << op << ": " << bg::wkt(resgeo) << "\n";
std::cout << "expected: " << bg::wkt(bits_to_geometry<width, height>(resbits)) << "\n";
std::cout << bits1 << "\n";
std::cout << bits2 << "\n";
std::cout << resbits << "\n";
template <int width, int height, bool validity = true>
bool test(unsigned long long val)
bool correct = true;
auto first = val;
auto second = val >> (width * height);
std::bitset<width * height> bits1(first), bits2(second);
auto geo1 = bits_to_geometry<width, height/*, true*/>(bits1);
auto geo2 = bits_to_geometry<width, height/*, true*/>(bits2);
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(geo1);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits1, geo1, geo2, geo1, "geo1 invalid"); return false; }
correct &= bg::is_valid(geo2);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits2, geo1, geo2, geo2, "geo2 invalid"); return false; }
multipoly testgeo;
bg::union_(geo1, geo2, testgeo);
auto geo_union = geometry_to_bits<width, height>(testgeo);
auto bits_or = bits1 | bits2;
correct &= (bits_or == geo_union);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_or, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 union_ geo2 wrong"); return false; }
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(testgeo);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_or, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 union_ geo2 invalid"); return false; }
bg::intersection(geo1, geo2, testgeo);
auto geo_intersection = geometry_to_bits<width, height>(testgeo);
auto bits_and = bits1 & bits2;
correct &= (bits_and == geo_intersection);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_and, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 intersection geo2 wrong"); return false; }
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(testgeo);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_and, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 intersection geo2 invalid"); return false; }
bg::sym_difference(geo1, geo2, testgeo);
auto geo_symdiff = geometry_to_bits<width, height>(testgeo);
auto bits_xor = bits1 ^ bits2;
correct &= (bits_xor == geo_symdiff);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_xor, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 sym_difference geo2 wrong"); return false; }
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(testgeo);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_xor, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 sym_difference geo2 invalid"); return false; }
bg::difference(geo1, geo2, testgeo);
auto geo_d12 = geometry_to_bits<width, height>(testgeo);
auto bits_d12 = bits1 & (~bits2);
correct &= (bits_d12 == geo_d12);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_d12, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 \\ geo2 wrong"); return false; }
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(testgeo);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_d12, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo1 \\ geo2 invalid"); return false; }
bg::difference(geo2, geo1, testgeo);
auto geo_d21 = geometry_to_bits<width, height>(testgeo);
auto bits_d21 = bits2 & (~bits1);
correct &= (bits_d21 == geo_d21);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_d21, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo2 \\ geo1 wrong"); return false; }
if constexpr (validity)
correct &= bg::is_valid(testgeo);
if ( !correct ) { print_failure<width, height>(bits1, bits2, bits_d21, geo1, geo2, testgeo, "geo2 \\ geo1 invalid"); return false; }
return correct;
template <int dim1, int dim2> auto get_prng() {
if constexpr (dim1 * dim2 * 2 <= 32) return std::mt19937{};
else return std::mt19937_64{};
int main() {
constexpr int width = 3, height = 5;
auto prng = get_prng<width, height>();
for ( /*unsigned long long i = 0ULL; i < (1ULL << (width * height * 2); ++i*/ ;;)
auto correct = test<width, height, false>( /*i*/ prng());
return 0;
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