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Last active July 9, 2016 15:01
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Logging to Seq from Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import logging
import requests
# Well-known keyword arguments used by the logging system.
_well_known_logger_kwargs = [
class StructuredLogRecord(logging.LogRecord):
An extended LogRecord that with custom properties to be logged to Seq.
def __init__(self, name, level, pathname, lineno, msg, args,
exc_info, func=None, sinfo=None, log_props=None, **kwargs):
Create a new StructuredLogRecord.
:param name: The name of the logger that produced the log record.
:param level: The logging level (severity) associated with the logging record.
:param pathname: The name of the file (if known) where the log entry was created.
:param lineno: The line number (if known) in the file where the log entry was created.
:param msg: The log message (or message template).
:param args: Ordinal message format arguments (if any).
:param exc_info: Exception information to be included in the log entry.
:param func: The function (if known) where the log entry was created.
:param sinfo: Stack trace information (if known) for the log entry.
:param log_props: Named message format arguments (if any).
:param kwargs: Keyword (named) message format arguments.
super().__init__(name, level, pathname, lineno, msg, args, exc_info, func, sinfo, **kwargs)
self.log_props = log_props or {}
def getMessage(self):
Get a formatted message representing the log record (with arguments replaced by values as appropriate).
:return: The formatted message.
if self.args:
return self.msg % self.args
elif self.log_props:
return self.msg.format(**self.log_props)
return self.msg
class StructuredLogger(logging.Logger):
Custom (dummy) logger that understands named log arguments.
def __init__(self, name, level=logging.NOTSET):
Create a new StructuredLogger
:param name: The logger name.
:param level: The logger minimum level (severity).
super().__init__(name, level)
def _log(self, level, msg, args, exc_info=None, extra=None, stack_info=False, **kwargs):
Called by public logger methods to generate a log entry.
:param level: The level (severity) for the log entry.
:param msg: The log message or message template.
:param args: Ordinal arguments for the message format template.
:param exc_info: Exception information to be included in the log entry.
:param extra: Extra information to be included in the log entry.
:param stack_info: Include stack-trace information in the log entry?
:param kwargs: Keyword arguments (if any) passed to the public logger method that called _log.
# Slightly hacky:
# We take keyword arguments provided to public logger methods (except
# well-known ones used by the logging system itself) and move them
# into the `extra` argument as a sub-dictionary.
log_props = {}
for prop in kwargs.keys():
if prop in _well_known_logger_kwargs:
log_props[prop] = kwargs[prop]
extra = extra or {}
extra['log_props'] = log_props
super()._log(level, msg, args, exc_info, extra, stack_info)
def makeRecord(self, name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, extra=None, sinfo=None):
Create a LogRecord.
:param name: The name of the logger that produced the log record.
:param level: The logging level (severity) associated with the logging record.
:param fn: The name of the file (if known) where the log entry was created.
:param lno: The line number (if known) in the file where the log entry was created.
:param msg: The log message (or message template).
:param args: Ordinal message format arguments (if any).
:param exc_info: Exception information to be included in the log entry.
:param func: The function (if known) where the log entry was created.
:param extra: Extra information (if any) to add to the log record.
:param sinfo: Stack trace information (if known) for the log entry.
# Do we have named format arguments?
if extra and 'log_props' in extra:
return StructuredLogRecord(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, sinfo, extra['log_props'])
return super().makeRecord(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, extra, sinfo)
class StructuredLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self):
def emit(self, record):
msg = self.format(record)
if hasattr(record, 'log_props'):
print("\tLog entry properties: {}".format(repr(record.log_props)))
class SeqLogHandler(logging.Handler):
Log handler that posts to Seq.
TODO: Implement periodic (batched) posting.
def __init__(self, server_url, api_key):
self.server_url = server_url + "/api/events/raw"
self.api_key = api_key
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.headers["X-Seq-ApiKey"] = api_key
def emit(self, record):
if isinstance(record, StructuredLogRecord):
# Named format arguments (and, therefore, log event properties).
request_body = {
"Events": [{
"Level": logging.getLevelName(record.level),
"MessageTemplate": record.msg,
"Properties": record.log_props
elif record.args:
# Standard (unnamed) format arguments (use 0-base index as property name).
log_props_shim = {}
for (arg_index, arg) in enumerate(record.args or []):
log_props_shim[str(arg_index)] = arg
request_body = {
"Events": [{
"Level": logging.getLevelName(record.level),
"MessageTemplate": record.getMessage(),
"Properties": log_props_shim
# No format arguments; interpret message as-is.
request_body = {
"Events": [{
"Level": logging.getLevelName(record.level),
"MessageTemplate": record.getMessage()
response =, json=request_body)
def close(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger1 = logging.getLogger("A")"Hello, {name}!", name="world")
logger2 = logging.getLogger("A.B")"Goodbye, {name}!", name="moon")"Hello, %s.", "root logger")
logger3 = logging.getLogger("C")"Goodbye, %s!", "moon")
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