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Created December 24, 2015 09:24
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Ok, this is overkill, but HOCON substitutions are nice.
akka {
loggers = [
loglevel = warning
actor {
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
log-dead-letters = 5
log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off
remote {
netty.tcp {
hostname = ${primary-cluster.local.ip}
port = ${primary-cluster.local.port}
cluster {
seed-nodes = [
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
primary-cluster {
name = provisioning-pool
loopback-ip = ""
default-port = 19123
# The local node's configuration
local {
# Loopback is only used when debugging...
ip = ${primary-cluster.loopback-ip}
# ...otherwise, get the cluster IP from an environment variable.
# Our default port.
port = ${primary-cluster.default-port}
# ...but allow override via environment variable.
# Where to find the cluster seed node.
seed {
# Loopback is only used when debugging...
ip = ${primary-cluster.loopback-ip}
# ...otherwise, if we're the seed node, use the cluster seed IP...
# ...but, if we're not the seed node, try to get the seed node's IP address from the environment variable set by Docker's container link.
ip = ${?SEED_PORT_19123_TCP_ADDR}
# Our default port.
port = ${primary-cluster.default-port}
# ...but, if we're not the seed node, try to get the seed node's port from the environment variable set by Docker's container link.
port = ${?SEED_PORT_19123_TCP_PORT}
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