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Last active May 6, 2023 10:26
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Tests for
# Create a file with 50'000 lines
$LargeFile = 'D:\dummy.txt'
if(Test-Path $largeFile){
Write-Host "$LargeFile already exists" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "$LargeFile not exists, try to create it" -ForegroundColor Cyan
1..50000 | ForEach-Object { Add-Content -Path $LargeFile -Value "This is a very large Testfile $($_)" }
"$LargeFile {0:N2}MB" -f ((Get-Item $LargeFile | Select-Object -exp Length)/1mb) | Write-Host
$SearchPattern = '45123'
$StartTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Read $LargeFile and return the time to saerch for a the pattern $SearchPattern" -ForegroundColor Green
# Get-Content
Measure-Command {
$File = Get-Content $LargeFile
foreach ($Line in $File){
$Line | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'Get-Content'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
# System.IO.File::ReadAllLines()
Measure-Command {
$File = []::ReadAllLines($LargeFile)
foreach ($Line in $File){
$Line | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'System.IO.File::ReadAllLines()'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
# [System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - Classic Way
Measure-Command {
$sread = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($largefile)
while ($sread.ReadLine()) {
$_ | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'[System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - Classic Way'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
# [System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - Peek
Measure-Command {
$sread = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($largefile)
while ($sread.Peek() -gt -1) {
$sread.ReadLine() | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'[System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - Peek'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
# [System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - End Of Stream
Measure-Command {
$sread = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($largefile)
while ($sread.EndOfStream -eq $false) {
$sread.ReadLine() | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'[System.IO.StreamReader]::ReadLine() - End Of Stream'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
# Switch
Measure-Command {
switch -File ($LargeFile){
Default {
$_ | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
} | Select-Object @{N='Method';E={'Switch'}}, @{N='Seconds';E={$_.Seconds}}, @{N='Milliseconds';E={$_.Milliseconds}}, @{N='TotalMilliseconds';E={$_.TotalMilliseconds}}
) | Sort-Object TotalMilliseconds
$TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End (Get-Date)
$Formatted = $TimeSpan | ForEach-Object {
'{1:0}h {2:0}m {3:0}s {4:000}ms' -f $_.Days, $_.Hours, $_.Minutes, $_.Seconds, $_.Milliseconds
Write-Host $('Finished in:', $Formatted -Join ' ') -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Read the $LargeFile with the Get-Content and return the matching line for $SearchPattern" -ForegroundColor Green
$StartTime = Get-Date
$File = Get-Content $LargeFile
$MatchingLine = foreach ($Line in $File){
$Line | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
$TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End (Get-Date)
$Formatted = $TimeSpan | ForEach-Object {
'{1:0}h {2:0}m {3:0}s {4:000}ms' -f $_.Days, $_.Hours, $_.Minutes, $_.Seconds, $_.Milliseconds
Write-Host $MatchingLine
Write-Host $('Finished in:', $Formatted -Join ' ') -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Read the $LargeFile with the Switch-Statement and return the matching line for $SearchPattern" -ForegroundColor Green
$StartTime = Get-Date
$MatchingLine = switch -File ($LargeFile){
Default {
$_ | Select-String -Pattern $SearchPattern
$TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End (Get-Date)
$Formatted = $TimeSpan | ForEach-Object {
'{1:0}h {2:0}m {3:0}s {4:000}ms' -f $_.Days, $_.Hours, $_.Minutes, $_.Seconds, $_.Milliseconds
Write-Host $MatchingLine
Write-Host $('Finished in:', $Formatted -Join ' ') -ForegroundColor Green
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