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Created July 11, 2017 22:19
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#!/usr/bin/env node
var rpc = require("ethrpc");
var tokenContractAddress = "0x..."; // address of ERC-20 token contract
var valueToSend = "0x42"; // value to send (in wei, i.e. 1e-18 ether)
var sender = "0x..."; // sending address
var receiver = "0x..."; // receiving address
var privateKey = Buffer.from("...", "hex"); // private key as bytearray (buffer)
httpAddresses: [], // ethereum node HTTP endpoint
wsAddresses: [], // ethereum node websocket endpoint
ipcAddresses: [] // ethereum node IPC endpoint
}, () => {
from: sender,
to: tokenContractAddress,
method: "transfer",
params: [receiver, valueToSend],
signature: ["address", "uint256"]
}, sender, privateKey, (signedRawTransaction) => {
console.log("signed raw transaction:", signedRawTransaction);
rpc.sendRawTransaction(signedRawTransaction, (rpcResponse) => {
console.log("response from ethereum node:", rpcResponse);
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