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Created September 1, 2014 07:20
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perceptron neural network
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Perceptron neural network. Can learn any linearly separable logic.
(c) Jack Peterson, 6/12/2008
from random import random
def hardlimit(row, col, bias):
Hard limit evaluation function.
If dot product of the state and input vectors is greater than or equal
to the bias, then neuron fires.
product = 0
for r, c in zip(row, col):
product += r * c
if product >= bias:
fire = 1
fire = 0
return fire
def transition(state, invec, outvec, goal, bias):
Transition function.
Compare the binary values of the current output element to the goal
element, and adjust the state vector if different.
# For every output element that is not equal to its corresponding goal
# element, adjust the state vector and the bias
num_states = len(state)
if outvec != goal:
for i in xrange(num_states):
state[i] += (goal - outvec) * invec[i]
bias -= goal - outvec
return state, bias
def main():
invec = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]
# Randomize on (0, 1] both state vector elements
state = [random(), random()]
# Randomize on (0, 1] bias value
bias = random()
# Initial output list
outvec = [0, 0, 0, 0]
# Desired output list: simple OR
# (perceptron can learn any linearly separable set)
goal = [0, 1, 1, 1]
print 'Simple OR:', goal
print '----------------------------'
print 'Output State Bias'
print '----------------------------'
elements = len(invec)
for j in xrange(100):
# Iterate the 4 input vectors through the evaluation function
for i in xrange(elements):
outvec[i] = hardlimit(state, invec[i], bias)
# If the output vector has reached the goal vector, then quit
if outvec == goal:
print outvec, ' ', state, ' ', bias
print 'Training complete!'
# Iterate the output values through the transition function, and
# retrieve the adjusted values for the state vector and the bias
for i in xrange(elements):
state, bias = transition(state, invec[i], outvec[i], goal[i], bias)
print outvec, ' ', state, ' ', bias
if __name__ == "__main__":
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