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Created July 15, 2018 05:41
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jack@substrate:~/src/augur-app$ npm start
> augur@1.0.4 start /home/jack/src/augur-app
> electron-forge start .src/main/main.js
✔ Checking your system
✔ Locating Application
✔ Preparing native dependencies: 8 / 8
✔ Launching Application
[22:33:05.942] [info] network name Mainnet
[22:33:07.539] [info] Starting Augur UI Server
[22:33:07.540] [info] Looking for certificate files in /home/jack/.augur
connecting to augur-node: undefined
connecting to ethereum-node: {"http":"","ws":""}
connected to ethereum
[22:33:19.454] [info] Removing sync-only database: /home/jack/.augur/augur-1-syncing-2.db
[22:33:19.460] [info] /home/jack/.augur/augur-1-syncing-2.db
[22:33:19.883] [info] Getting Augur logs from block 5926223 to block 5966989
got 20 logs in blocks { fromBlock: 5926223, toBlock: 5926668 }
got 590 logs in blocks { fromBlock: 5926669, toBlock: 5932428 }
[22:33:31.193] [info] new block: 5926256 1531037003
[22:33:31.241] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:31.296] [info] new block: 5926279 1531037294
[22:33:31.303] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:31.341] [info] new block: 5926285 1531037356
[22:33:31.348] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:31.380] [info] new block: 5926311 1531037764
[22:33:31.386] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.120] [info] new block: 5926318 1531037871
[22:33:34.129] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.168] [info] new block: 5926320 1531037906
[22:33:34.188] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.221] [info] new block: 5926334 1531038143
[22:33:34.231] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.286] [info] new block: 5926347 1531038331
[22:33:34.311] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.351] [info] new block: 5926503 1531040865
[22:33:34.375] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.410] [info] new block: 5926531 1531041276
[22:33:34.434] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.474] [info] new block: 5926534 1531041346
[22:33:34.486] [info] Processing 2 logs
[22:33:34.518] [info] new block: 5926535 1531041367
[22:33:34.523] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.555] [info] new block: 5926538 1531041424
[22:33:34.563] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.592] [info] new block: 5926542 1531041542
[22:33:34.598] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.633] [info] new block: 5926549 1531041661
[22:33:34.652] [info] Processing 2 logs
[22:33:34.696] [info] new block: 5926592 1531042304
[22:33:34.705] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.735] [info] new block: 5926627 1531042806
[22:33:34.749] [info] Processing 1 logs
[22:33:34.784] [info] new block: 5926641 1531043115
[22:33:34.793] [info] Processing 1 logs
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body: '<html>\r\n<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor="white">\r\n<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n' }
<--- Last few GCs --->
[16853:0x22b66e13000] 196902 ms: Mark-sweep 130.9 (139.5) -> 130.6 (144.5) MB, 25.5 / 0.0 ms (+ 28.6 ms in 253 steps since start of marking, biggest step 5.5 ms, walltime since start of marking 358 ms) allocation failure GC in old space requested
[16853:0x22b66e13000] 200220 ms: Mark-sweep 410.6 (424.5) -> 383.2 (401.5) MB, 114.1 / 0.0 ms (+ 14.2 ms in 1 steps since start of marking, biggest step 14.2 ms, walltime since start of marking 2907 ms) allocation failure GC in old space requested
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
Security context: 0xefc7e4ab0a1 <JSObject>
2: arrayLikeKeys [/home/jack/src/augur-app/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:2406] [bytecode=0xec6387e2a49 offset=134](this=0xc67f4b822b9 <JSGlobal Object>,value=0x18f607602201 <Very long string[19691757]>,inherited=0x32d451702311 <undefined>)
3: arguments adaptor frame: 1->2
5: keys [/home/jack/src/augur-app/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:13306] [bytecode=0x21a6e8d20229 offset=15](this=0x...
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