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Last active July 23, 2018 05:28
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/// <reference types="node" />
declare module "augur.js" {
type AbiEncodedData = string;
type Address = string;
type Bytes32 = string;
type Int256 = string;
interface AugurJsOptions {
debug: {
[optionName: string]: boolean
// TODO replace ApiParams and ApiFunction with specific param names/types where possible (use jsdoc comments)
interface ApiParams {
[paramName: string]: any
type ApiCallback = (err?: string|Object, result?: any) => void;
type ApiFunction = (p: ApiParams, callback?: ApiCallback) => any;
type ApiChunkedFunction = (p: ApiParams, onChunkReceived?: (result?: any) => void, callback?: ApiCallback|null) => void;
interface AutogeneratedContractApi {
[contractName: string]: {
[functionName: string]: ApiFunction
interface FunctionAbi {
constant: boolean,
name: string,
inputs: string[],
signature: string[],
returns?: string
interface EventAbiInput {
indexed: boolean,
type: string,
name: string
interface FunctionsAbiMap {
[contractName: string]: {
[functionName: string]: FunctionAbi
interface EventsAbiMap {
[contractName: string]: {
[eventName: string]: {
contract?: string,
inputs: EventAbiInput[]
interface AbiMap {
functions: FunctionsAbiMap,
events: EventsAbiMap
interface ContractNameToAddressMap {
[networkId: string]: {
[contractName: string]: Address
interface EventLog {
address: Address,
topics: Int256[],
data: AbiEncodedData,
blockNumber: Int256,
transactionIndex: Int256,
transactionHash: Bytes32,
blockHash: Bytes32,
interface FormattedEventLog {
address: Address,
blockNumber: Int256,
transactionIndex: Int256,
transactionHash: Bytes32,
blockHash: Bytes32,
[inputName: string]: any
type EventSubscriptionCallback = (eventLog: FormattedEventLog) => void;
interface EventSubscriptionCallbacks {
[contractName: string]: {
[eventName: string]: EventSubscriptionCallback
interface RpcInterface {
createRpcInterface: () => RpcInterface,
errors: any, // TODO define RPC errors object
eth: {
[jsonRpcMethodName: string]: (params?: any, callback?: (response: any) => void) => string|number|null
clear: () => void,
getBlockStream: () => any, // TODO import blockstream type from ethereumjs-blockstream
getCoinbase: () => Address,
getCurrentBlock: () => any, // TODO define block type
getGasPrice: () => number,
getNetworkID: () => string,
getLogs: (filter: any, callback: (logs: EventLog[]) => void) => string[]|null, // TODO define log filter type
getTransactionReceipt: (transactionHash: Bytes32, callback?: (transactionReceipt: any) => void) => any, // TODO define transaction receipt type
isUnlocked: (account: Address, callback?: (isUnlocked: boolean) => void) => boolean|void,
sendEther: (to: Address, value: string|number, from: Address, onSent: (result: any) => void, onSuccess: (result: any) => void, onFailed: (err: any) => void) => any,
packageAndSubmitRawTransaction: (payload: any, address: Address, privateKeyOrSigner: Buffer|null, callback: (transactionHash: Bytes32|Error) => void) => void, // TODO define payload type
callContractFunction: (payload: any, callback: (returnValue: Bytes32|Error) => void) => Bytes32|void,
transact: (payload: any, privateKeyOrSigner: Buffer|null, onSent: (result: any) => void, onSuccess: (result: any) => void, onFailed: (err: any) => void) => void,
excludeFromTransactionRelay: (method: string) => void,
registerTransactionRelay: (relayer: any) => void, // TODO define relayer type
setDebugOptions: (debugOptions: {[debugOptionName: string]: boolean}) => void
class Augur {
version: string;
options: AugurJsOptions;
accounts: {
importAccount: ApiFunction,
login: ApiFunction,
loginWithMasterKey: (p: ApiParams) => {
address: Address,
privateKey: Buffer,
derivedKey: Buffer
logout: () => void,
register: ApiFunction
api: AutogeneratedContractApi;
generateContractApi: (functionsAbi: any) => AutogeneratedContractApi;
assets: {
[functionName: string]: ApiFunction
connect: (p: ApiParams, callback?: ApiCallback) => void;
constants: {
[constantName: string]: any
contracts: {
abi: AbiMap,
addresses: ContractNameToAddressMap
createMarket: {
[functionName: string]: ApiFunction
filters: {
startListeners: (onLogAddedCallbacks?: EventSubscriptionCallbacks, onNewBlock?: (blockNumber: string) => void, onSetupComplete?: () => void) => void,
stopListeners: () => boolean
logs: {
getLogs: ApiFunction,
getLogsChunked: ApiChunkedFunction,
getMarketPriceHistory: ApiChunkedFunction,
getAllAugurLogs: ApiFunction
markets: {
[functionName: string]: ApiFunction
reporting: {
getCurrentPeriodProgress: (reportingPeriodDurationInSeconds: number, timestamp?: number|null) => number,
registerToReport: ApiFunction,
submitReport: ApiFunction,
finalizeMarket: ApiFunction,
migrateLosingTokens: ApiFunction,
redeem: ApiFunction
rpc: RpcInterface;
trading: {
claimMarketsProceeds: ApiFunction,
simulateTrade: (p: ApiParams) => any, // TODO define trade simulation type
calculateProfitLoss: (p: ApiParams) => any, // TODO define profit-and-loss type
normalizePrice: (p: ApiParams) => string,
denormalizePrice: (p: ApiParams) => string,
tradeUntilAmountIsZero: ApiFunction,
getAdjustedPositions: ApiFunction,
orderBook: {
getOrderBook: ApiFunction,
getOrderBookChunked: ApiChunkedFunction,
filterByPriceAndOutcomeAndUserSortByPrice: (orderBook: any, orderType: number, price: any, userAddress: Address) => any // TODO define order book type, import BigNumber type for price
export = Augur;
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