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Created August 22, 2014 19:50
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simple agent-based model of a financial market
#!/usr/bin/env python
A simple agent-based model of a financial market.
(c) Jack Peterson (, 2012
from __future__ import division
from random import random, shuffle
import pylab as p
from collections import Counter
from math import *
from time import *
class Trader:
def __init__(self, buy, sell):
self.b = buy
self.s = sell
self.bCount = 0
self.sCount = 0
self.actionList = [] # buy = 1, sell = -1
def showProb(self):
print str(self.b) + " " + str(self.s)
def updateProb(self):
# Buy/sell probs proportional to "winning streak"
streak = 1
while streak < len(self.actionList) and self.actionList[-streak] == self.actionList[-(streak + 1)]:
streak += 1
if self.actionList[-1] == 1:
self.b = streak
self.s = 1
self.b = 1
self.s = streak
def calcProb(self): = self.b + self.s
self.bPr = self.b /
def buyAction(self):
self.bCount += 1
def sellAction(self):
self.sCount += 1
def finalState(self):
print "Buys: " + str(self.bCount)
print "Sells: " + str(self.sCount)
print self.actionList
print "Net: " + str(sum(self.actionList))
def finalPosition(self):
return self.bCount - self.sCount
def timeStep(T, timestep):
# Buy or sell?
# Comment out the next 2 lines for constant buy/sell probs:
if timestep > 0:
action = random()
if action < T.bPr:
def marketSim(N, tMax, initBuy, initSell):
# Create N traders
traderList = []
for traders in xrange(N):
traderList.append(Trader(initBuy, initSell))
# Run simulation for tMax time steps
for timestep in xrange(tMax):
# Randomly re-order the traders' order-of-actions at each time step
shuffled = range(N)
for traders in shuffled:
timeStep(traderList[traders], timestep)
# Return final positions
positions = [traderList[i].finalPosition() for i in xrange(N)]
return positions
def calcStats(positionsList, numSims):
# Counts and list of unique x-values across all simulations
counts = [Counter(i) for i in positionsList]
keys = [i.keys() for i in counts]
uniqueKeys = list(set(sum(keys, [])))
# Calculate mean and variance of counts across histograms
meanCounts = {}
varCounts = {}
for j in uniqueKeys:
meanCounts[j] = 0
for i in xrange(numSims):
meanCounts[j] += counts[i][j]
meanCounts[j] /= numSims
varCounts[j] = 0
for i in xrange(numSims):
varCounts[j] += (counts[i][j] - meanCounts[j]) ** 2
varCounts[j] /= numSims - 1
return meanCounts, varCounts
def showPlot(x, y):
p.plot(x, y, '.')
p.ylabel('mean count')
def writeCSV(x, y):
with open('ABMarket.csv', 'w') as f:
for i in xrange(len(x)):
f.write(str(x[i]) + ',' + str(y[i]) + '\n')
def main():
# Parameters
numSims = 1000 # Number of simulations
numTraders = 100 # Number of traders
tMax = 1000 # Length of simulation
initBuy = 1.0 # Initial buy rate
initSell = 1.0 # Initial sell rate
# Run simulations
positionsList = [marketSim(numTraders, tMax, initBuy, initSell) for i in xrange(numSims)]
# Process positions list and calculate statistics
meanCounts, varCounts = calcStats(positionsList, numSims)
# Plot results
showPlot(meanCounts.keys(), meanCounts.values())
# Write to file
writeCSV(meanCounts.keys(), meanCounts.values())
if __name__ == "__main__":
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