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// reg_sel mux select
reg [1:0] reg_sel;
`define REG_SEL_RD 'h0
`define REG_SEL_RS1 'h1
`define REG_SEL_RS2 'h2
`define REG_SEL_PC 'h3
// alu_rhs_sel mux select
reg [1:0] alu_rhs_sel;
`define ALU_RHS_SEL_B 'h0
// simple RV32I processor inspired by Berkely CS152 notes and PicoRV32:
// *
// *
// *
// *
// intention is for this to be smaller and higher frequency than PicoRV32, but
// at the cost of much lower overall performance. if used with the XIP SPI
// controller, the lower performance may not make much of a difference when
// coupled to the slow speed of executing instructions directly from SPI
module wor_mux #(
parameter WIDTH = 32,
parameter DEPTH = 8
) (
input [DEPTH - 1 : 0] en,
input [(WIDTH * DEPTH) - 1 : 0] mux_in,
output [WIDTH - 1 : 0] mux_out
reg [WIDTH - 1 : 0] bus;
* Simple UART module to explore basic HardwareC concepts.
* HardwareC is a working name for a new hardware description language. The
* goal is to make FPGAs easier for hobbyists to take advantage of. To achieve
* this goal, some design choices have been made:
* 1. Use familiar syntax. C/C++ syntax is borrowed everywhere, no reason to
* reinvent the wheel. Where C/C++ falls short, borrow from Verilog/SystemVerilog.
* 2. Interrop with C/C++. A HardwareC module should be able to be used seamlessly
def create_layers(img, name):
from PIL import Image
def combine(img, layers):
result ='RGB', img.size, 0x000000)
for i in range(img.size[0]):
for j in range(img.size[1]):
if img.getpixel((i, j)) in layers:
result.putpixel((i, j), 0xFFFFFF)
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Options
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import pycountry
import traceback
chrome_options = Options()
# left
pin1 F18
pin2 H17
pin3 H18
pin4 J17
pin5 N17
pin6 M18
pin7 M17
pin8 G18
pin9 D18