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Created June 27, 2023 14:58
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  • Save tinywifi/8f12f6fcf8c1dd77df269798e80cee4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/* base */
@import url(;
/* emoji */
@import url(;
/* remove default tilebar so we can use windows titlebar *
div[class*="titleBar-"] {
display: none !important;
/* horizontal server list */
/* @import url(""); */
/* on the bottom*/
@import url("");
:root {
--font: "Maple Mono", monospace; /* General Font */
--settingsicons: 1; /* Use Settings Icons in User Settings: 1 = yes, 0 = no */
--accentcolor: 94,129,172; /* Blurple - default: 88,101,242 - hex: #5865f2 */
--accentcolor2: 94,129,172; /* Boostpink - default: 255,115,250 - hex: #ff73fa */
--linkcolor: 136,192,208; /* Link Color - default: 0,176,244 - hex: #00b0f4 */
--mentioncolor: 229, 116, 116; /* Highlight Color - default: 250,166,26 - hex: #faa61a */
--successcolor: 140, 207, 126; /* Success Color - default: 59,165,92 - hex: #3ba55c */
--warningcolor: 229, 116, 116; /* Warning Color - default: 250,166,26 - hex: #faa61a */
--dangercolor: 229, 199, 107; /* Danger Color - default: 237,66,69 - hex: #ed4245 */
--textbrightest: 236, 239, 244; /* Text Color 1 - default: 255,255,255 - hex: #ffffff */
--textbrighter: 218, 218, 218; /* Text Color 2 - default: 220,221,222 - hex: #dcddde */
--textbright: 179, 179, 179; /* Text Color 3 - default: 185,187,190 - hex: #b9bbbe */
--textdark: 155, 155, 155; /* Text Color 4 - default: 142,146,151 - hex: #8e9297 */
--textdarker: 135, 135, 135; /* Text Color 5 - default: 114,118,125 - hex: #72767d */
--textdarkest: 125, 125, 125; /* Text Color 6 - default: 79,84,92 - hex: #4f545c */
--backgroundaccent: 20, 27, 30; /* Background Accent - default: 64,68,75 - hex: #40444b */
--backgroundprimary: 20, 27, 30; /* Background 1 - default: 54,57,63 - hex: #36393f */
--backgroundsecondary: 24, 31, 33; /* Background 2 - default: 47,49,54 - hex: #2f3136 */
--backgroundsecondaryalt: 24, 31, 33; /* Background 3 - default: 41,43,47 - hex: #292b2f */
--backgroundtertiary: 24, 31, 33; /* Background 4 - default: 32,34,37 - hex: #202225 */
--backgroundfloating: 35, 42, 45; /* Background Elevated - default: 24,25,28 - hex: #18191c */
--HSL-server-icon-size: 35px; /* Size of the server icons | DEFAULT: 40px */
--HSL-server-spacing: 5px; /* Spacing between each server icon | DEFAULT: 10px */
--HSL-server-direction: column; /* Direct of the server list. | Options: column, column-reverse | DEFAULT: column */
--server-size: var(--HSL-server-icon-size, var(--HSL-size, 35px));
--server-spacing: var(--HSL-server-spacing, var(--HSL-spacing, 10px));
--server-container: calc(var(--server-size) + 20px);
/* change logo */
> head
+ body
> div.wordmark-2u86JB {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.typeWindows-2-g3UY.titleBar-1it3bQ.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr
> div.wordmark-2u86JB
> * {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.typeWindows-2-g3UY.titleBar-1it3bQ.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr
> div.wordmark-2u86JB::before,
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.typeWindows-2-g3UY.titleBar-1it3bQ.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr
> div.wordmark-2u86JB::after {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.typeWindows-2-g3UY.titleBar-1it3bQ.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr
> div.wordmark-2u86JB::before {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.typeWindows-2-g3UY.titleBar-1it3bQ.horizontalReverse-2QssvL.flex-3BkGQD.directionRowReverse-HZatnx.justifyStart-2Mwniq.alignStretch-Uwowzr
> div.wordmark-2u86JB::after {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.layers-OrUESM.layers-1YQhyW
> div.layer-86YKbF.baseLayer-W6S8cY
+ div.layer-86YKbF
> div.standardSidebarView-E9Pc3j
> div.sidebarRegion-1VBisG
> div.sidebarRegionScroller-FXiQOh.thin-31rlnD.scrollerBase-_bVAAt.fade-1R6FHN
> nav.sidebar-nqHbhN
> div.side-2ur1Qk
> {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.layers-OrUESM.layers-1YQhyW
> div.layer-86YKbF.baseLayer-W6S8cY
+ div.layer-86YKbF
> div.standardSidebarView-E9Pc3j
> div.sidebarRegion-1VBisG
> div.sidebarRegionScroller-FXiQOh.thin-31rlnD.scrollerBase-_bVAAt.fade-1R6FHN
> nav.sidebar-nqHbhN
> div.side-2ur1Qk
> {
display: none !important;
> head
+ body
> div#app-mount.appMount-2yBXZl
> div.layers-OrUESM.layers-1YQhyW
> div.layer-86YKbF.baseLayer-W6S8cY
+ div.layer-86YKbF
> div.standardSidebarView-E9Pc3j
> div.sidebarRegion-1VBisG
> div.sidebarRegionScroller-FXiQOh.thin-31rlnD.scrollerBase-_bVAAt.fade-1R6FHN
> nav.sidebar-nqHbhN
> div.side-2ur1Qk
> {
display: none !important;
/* makes pings more bold(BARELY noticable bro) */
.lowerBadge-3WTshO .numberBadge-37OJ3S {
font-weight: 500 !important;
/* makes emojis not text selectable */
.emojiContainer-2XKwXX {
user-select: none;
/* live circle */
.voiceUser-3nRK-K .live-1V2D-f {
font-size: 0;
/* remove scroll */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
/* the text in input box */
.placeholder-1rCBhr {
visibility: hidden;
.content-1U25dZ .subText-OGOWMj {
display: none;
/* remove the selected guild pill */
#app-mount .guilds-2JjMmN [class*="pill"] {
display: none;
/* removals */
.attachWrapper-3slhXI > button,
.toolbar-3_r2xA > a,
.wordmark-2u86JB {
display: none;
/* on-hover inside inputbox buttons*/
.buttons-uaqb-5 {
transition: ease-in-out 0.5s;
opacity: 0;
right: 0.1%;
.buttons-uaqb-5:hover {
transition: ease-in-out 0.5s;
opacity: 1;
/* memberlist on-hover */
.members-3WRCEx {
transition: 0.5s;
height: 100%;
left: 37px;
.membersWrap-3NUR2t {
min-width: unset;
width: 14px;
height: 100%;
justify-content: left;
background: transparent;
.membersWrap-3NUR2t:hover .members-3WRCEx {
transform: translateX(-260px);
.membersWrap-3NUR2t .members-3WRCEx .member-2gU6Ar {
background-color: unset;
margin-left: 0px;
transition: width ease-in-out;
margin-left: 15px;
.membersWrap-3NUR2t:hover .members-3WRCEx .member-2gU6Ar {
margin-left: 15px;
.membersWrap-3NUR2t .membersGroup-2eiWxl {
cursor: default;
transition: width ease-in-out;
overflow: inherit;
/* autohide bar above chat */
.chat-2ZfjoI>section {
transition: height 0.35s ease-in-out;
opacity: 0;
height: 20px;
.chat-2ZfjoI>section:hover {
transition: height 0.35s ease-in-out;
opacity: 1;
height: 48px;
/* unread indicator on the end of the serverlist */
#app-mount [class*="unreadMentionsIndicator"] {
width: var(--server-size);
/* yk */
::after {
display: none;
/* explore servers */
.tutorialContainer-2jwoiB + .listItem-3SmSlK {
display: none;
/* removal of titlebar that doesn't break horizontal serverlist */
:root {
--TB-header-padding: 125px;
.platform-win .typeWindows-2-g3UY {
height: var(--TB-bar-height, 9px);
margin-top: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 1px;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background: transparent;
.platform-win .winButton-3UMjdg {
display: none;
.platform-win .wordmarkWindows-2dq6rw {
display: none;
.platform-win .closeButton-30b1gR {
display: none;
.platform-win #app-mount .typeWindows-2-g3UY::before {
content: none !important;
/* rearrange toolbar */
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label='Help'] {
display: none;
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label*='Member List'] {
display: none;
.search-39IXmY {
order: 1;
margin-left: 14px;
.searchBar-jGtisZ {
width: 200px !important;
padding: 0px 2px;
.searchResultsWrap-5RVOkx {
width: 476px;
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label='Hide User Profile'] {
margin-left: 34px;
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