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Created September 21, 2021 04:01
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module Swarm where
-- | Particle Swarm Optimization
-- Goals
-- 1. optimize with a Particle Swarm to find some optimal goal within a decently complex function
-- 2. attempt to parallelize each particle trajectory
-- 3. visualize
import Data.Maybe
import Data.UUID as UUID
import Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Random
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
newtype Point = Point { unPoint :: (Float, Float) }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Point where
show (Point (x,y)) = "(" <> show x <> "," <> show y <> ")"
type FitnessFunction = (Point -> Float)
newtype Velocity = Velocity { unVelocity :: (Float, Float) }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Velocity where
show (Velocity (x,y)) = "V(" <> show x <> "," <> show y <> ")"
type Particles = Map.Map String Particle
data SwarmOptimization
= SwarmOptimization
{ numOfParticles :: Int
, fitness_function :: Point -> Float
, goal :: GoalMetric
, rangeX :: (Float, Float)
, rangeY :: (Float, Float)
data Particle
= Particle
{ loc :: Point
, velocity :: Velocity
, best :: Maybe Point
deriving (Show, Eq)
orient :: GoalMetric -> (Point -> Float) -> [Particle] -> Particle
orient g f ps = case g of
Minimize -> minimumBy goalOrient ps
Maximize -> maximumBy goalOrient ps
-- XXX
otherwise -> minimumBy goalOrient ps
goalOrient (Particle { loc = p1}) (Particle { loc = p2 }) = compare (f p1) (f p2)
data GoalMetric
= Minimize
| Maximize
| Explore
-- ^ maybe can use this to do the opposite of optimization and spread the particles evenly across the function
globalBest :: GoalMetric -> (Point -> Float) -> Particles -> Particle
globalBest g f = orient g f . Map.elems
-- make n particles within an rx by ry bounded square
mkParticles :: Int -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> IO Particles
mkParticles n rx ry = do
let m = Map.empty
mkParticles' n rx ry m
mkParticles' 0 _ _ m = pure m
mkParticles' n rx ry m = do
x <- randomRIO rx
y <- randomRIO ry
vs <- randomVelocity
guid <- UUID.toString <$> UUID.nextRandom
let new = Map.insert guid (mkParticle (x,y) vs) m
mkParticles' (n-1) rx ry new
-- 'w' is the inertia weight. The lower it is, the stronger the convergence of the particles
-- 'c1' and 'c2' are called the acceleration coefficients and control the personal and global respectively
data Hyperparameters
= Hyperparameters
{ w :: Float
, c1 :: Float
, c2 :: Float
-- this gives us the auto hyperparameters for each iteration
-- XXX possibly add r1 and r2 for stochastic personal and global acceleration
coefficients :: Int -> Int -> Hyperparameters
coefficients t' n' = do
Hyperparameters w c1 c2
t = fromIntegral t'
n = fromIntegral n'
w = (0.4/n**2) * (t - n) ** 2 + 0.4
c1 = -3 * t / n + 3.5
c2 = 3 * t / n + 0.5
step :: SwarmOptimization -> Int -> IO Particles
step (SwarmOptimization {..}) n = do
-- randomly place particles with random velocity between 0.1 and 1
particles <- mkParticles numOfParticles rangeX rangeY
return $ go n particles
go 0 p = p
go n' p =
-- identify closest particle globally
let g = globalBest goal fitness_function p
-- auto hyperparameters so we don't have to manually pick them
coef = coefficients n' n
-- move_particles and update bests
newParticles = moveParticles g fitness_function coef p
in go (n'-1) newParticles
moveParticles :: Particle -> FitnessFunction -> Hyperparameters -> Particles -> Particles
moveParticles g f coef = (update g)
update (Particle { loc = globalLoc }) personal@(Particle { loc }) = do
let newVel = getNewVelocity personal globalLoc coef f
let newLoc = addP loc newVel
let best = if f newLoc < f loc
then newLoc
else loc
personal { loc = newLoc
, velocity = newVel
, best = Just best
-- return the best point and a new velocity
-- Update the particle's velocity: newVelocity ← w currentVelocity + c1 r1 (personal - current) + c2 r2 (global - current)
getNewVelocity personal@(Particle { loc, velocity, best}) global (Hyperparameters w c1 c2) f =
let prevBest = fromMaybe loc best
-- personal
-- c1 * r1 * (pbest - current)
pv = scaleV c1 $ diffToVel prevBest loc
-- global
-- c2 * r2 * (global - current)
gv = scaleV c2 $ diffToVel global loc
-- w*v + pv + gv
in (w `scaleV` velocity) `addV` pv `addV` gv
swarm :: Int -> IO [Particle]
swarm s = do
p <- step pso s
return $ Map.elems p
(rx, ry) = mkSquareRange 20 20
pso = SwarmOptimization
{ numOfParticles = 30
, goal = Minimize
, rangeX = rx
, rangeY = ry
, fitness_function = schafferFunc
sanityFunc :: Point -> Float
sanityFunc (Point (x, y)) = x **2 - y
schafferFunc :: Point -> Float
schafferFunc (Point (x, y)) = 0.5 + (n / d)
n = (sin (x ** 2.0 - y ** 2) ** 2) - 0.5
d = (1 + 0.001 * (x**2 + y**2)) ** 2
-- sanity check for globalBest
testBest = do
let (rx, ry) = mkSquareRange 5 5
ps <- mkParticles 30 rx ry
let x = globalBest Maximize schafferFunc ps
print x
return x
------------------- Helpers ------------------------
randomVelocity = do
vx <- randomRIO (-1,1)
vy <- randomRIO (-1,1)
return (vx, vy)
-- helper function to facilitate restricting the range of search to square area
mkSquareRange :: Int -> Int -> ((Float, Float), (Float, Float))
mkSquareRange x y = ((0.0 - fromIntegral x, 0.0 + fromIntegral x), (0.0 - fromIntegral y, 0.0 + fromIntegral y))
-- make a fresh particle from a point and initial velocity
mkParticle p vs = Particle { loc = Point p, velocity = Velocity vs, best = Nothing }
distance (Point (x1 , y1)) (Point (x2 , y2)) = sqrt (x'**2 + y'**2)
x' = x1 - x2
y' = y1 - y2
addP (Point (a,b)) (Velocity (c,d)) = Point (a+c, b+d)
addV (Velocity (a,b)) (Velocity (c,d)) = Velocity (a+c, b+d)
diffToVel (Point (a,b)) (Point (c,d)) = Velocity (a-c, b-d)
scaleV n (Velocity (a,b)) = Velocity (a*n, b*n)
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