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Created September 3, 2023 18:12
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LSystem with openGL
-- | some packages i needed to install to get opengl working
-- sudo apt-get install mesa-utils libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
-- libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libglm-dev
-- libao-dev libmpg123-dev xlibmesa-glu-dev
import Util
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Gloss as G
import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Foldable
import GHC.Generics
data Language
= V T.Text
| C T.Text
deriving Eq
instructions :: LSystem -> [Instruction]
instructions (LSystem { state, representation}) = concatMap representation state
data LSystem
= LSystem
{ name :: String
, state :: [Language]
, rules :: (Language -> [Language])
, grow :: Int -- length of each line
, angle :: Float
, representation :: (Language -> [Instruction])
instance Show Language where
show (V t) = T.unpack t
show (C b) = T.unpack b
step :: Int -> LSystem -> LSystem
step 0 l = l
step n l@(LSystem {rules, state = s}) =
step (abs(n - 1)) (l { state = new })
new = concatMap rules s
data Instruction
= Forward
| ForwardNoDraw
| RotateLeft
| RotateRight
| Push
| Pop
| Stay
deriving Show
createDisplay :: String -> G.Picture -> IO ()
createDisplay name pic = do
-- print ins
G.display (if fullScreen then G.FullScreen else windowed) G.white pic
fullScreen = True
windowed = G.InWindow name (200, 200) (10, 10)
--- | Draw the instructions
draw :: Float -- ^ angle
-> Float -- ^ distance
-> [Instruction]
-> Picture
draw angle distance = go 90 (Line [(0,0)]) (Pictures []) []
go :: Float -> Picture -> Picture -> [(Point,Float)] -> [Instruction] -> Picture
go _ line (Pictures ps) _ [] = Pictures (line:ps)
go theta (Line path) (Pictures ps) stack (x:xs) =
case x of
Forward -> go theta (Line (p:path)) (Pictures ps) stack xs
ForwardNoDraw -> go theta (Line [p]) (Pictures (Line path : ps)) stack xs
RotateRight -> go (theta + angle) (Line path) (Pictures ps) stack xs
RotateLeft -> go (theta - angle) (Line path) (Pictures ps) stack xs
Push -> go theta (Line path) (Pictures ps) ((head path, theta):stack) xs
Pop -> let (pos, theta'):t = stack in
go theta' (Line [pos]) (Pictures (Line path : ps)) t xs
Stay -> go theta (Line path) (Pictures ps) stack xs
(px, py) = head path
thetaRad = theta * pi / 180
p = (px + distance * cos thetaRad, py + distance * sin thetaRad)
drawLSystem l@(LSystem { grow, angle, representation }) =
draw angle (fromIntegral grow) $ instructions l
mainLSystem :: IO ()
mainLSystem = do
-- putStrLn $ foldMap show $ state $ step 3 kochCurve
let lsys = plant
let i = 2
let pic = drawLSystem $ step i lsys
createDisplay (name lsys) pic
------ EXAMPLES BELOW HERE --------
-- variables : A B
-- constants : none
-- axiom : A
-- rules : (A → AB), (B → A)
algae = LSystem
{ name = "algae"
, state = [V "A"]
, rules
, grow = 10
, angle = 90
, representation = reprRules
rules (V "A") = vars "AB"
rules (V "B") = vars "A"
rules (V _) = []
rules (C _) = []
reprRules _ = [Stay]
vars = map V . r
constants = map C . r
-- A variant of the Koch curve which uses only right angles.
-- variables : F
-- constants : + −
-- start : F
-- rules : (F → F+F−F−F+F)
-- Here, F means "draw forward", + means "turn left 90°", and − means "turn right 90°"
kochCurve = LSystem
{ name = "sierpinski"
, state = [f]
, rules
, grow = 10
, angle = 90.0
, representation = reprRules
m = C "-"
p = C "+"
f = V "F"
rules (V "F") = [f,p,f,m,f,m,f,p,f]
rules (V _) = []
rules (C "+") = [p]
rules (C "-") = [m]
reprRules (V "F") = [Forward]
reprRules (C "-") = [RotateRight]
reprRules (C "+") = [RotateLeft]
-- -- The Sierpinski triangle drawn using an L-system.
-- -- variables : F G
-- -- constants : + −
-- -- state : F−G−G
-- -- rules : (F → F−G+F+G−F), (G → GG)
-- -- angle : 120°
-- -- Here, F means "draw forward", G means "draw forward", + means "turn left by angle", and − means "turn right by angle".
sierpinski = LSystem
{ name = "sierpinski"
, state = [f,m,g,m,g]
, rules
, grow = 10
, angle = 120.0
, representation = reprRules
m = C "-"
f = V "F"
g = V "G"
p = C "+"
rules (V "F") = [f,m,g,p,f,p,g,m,f]
rules (V "G") = [g,g]
rules (V _) = []
rules (C "-") = [m]
rules (C "+") = [p]
reprRules (V "F") = [Forward]
reprRules (V "G") = [Forward]
reprRules (C "-") = [RotateRight]
reprRules (C "+") = [RotateLeft]
-- -- The dragon curve drawn using an L-system.
-- -- variables : F G
-- -- constants : + −
-- -- state : F
-- -- rules : (F → F+G), (G → F-G)
-- -- angle : 90°
-- -- Here, F and G both mean "draw forward", + means "turn left by angle", and − means "turn right by angle".
dragon = LSystem
{ name = "dragon"
, state = [f]
, rules
, grow = 10
, angle = 90.0
, representation = reprRules
m = C "-"
f = V "F"
g = V "G"
p = C "+"
rules (V "F") = [f,p,g]
rules (V "G") = [f,m,g]
rules (V _) = []
rules (C "+") = [p]
rules (C "-") = [m]
reprRules (V "F") = [Forward]
reprRules (V "G") = [Forward]
reprRules (C "-") = [RotateRight]
reprRules (C "+") = [RotateLeft]
-- Example 7: Fractal plant
-- variables : X F
-- constants : + − [ ]
-- start : X
-- rules : (X → F+[[X]-X]-F[-FX]+X), (F → FF)
-- angle : 25°
-- Here, F means "draw forward", − means "turn right 25°", and + means "turn left 25°". X does not correspond to any drawing action and is used to control the evolution of the curve. The square bracket "[" corresponds to saving the current values for position and angle, which are restored when the corresponding "]" is executed.
plant = LSystem
{ name = "plant"
, state = [V "X"]
, rules
, grow = 10
, angle = 25.0
, representation = reprRules
constants = T.chunksOf 1 "+-[]"
variables = T.chunksOf 1 "FX"
f s = if s `elem` constants then [C s] else rules (V s)
r = concat . map f . T.chunksOf 1
rules (V "F") = r "FF"
rules (V "X") = r "F+[[X]-X]-F[-FX]+X"
rules (V _) = []
rules (C _) = error "shouldn't hit this"
reprRules (V "F") = [Forward]
reprRules (V "X") = [ForwardNoDraw]
reprRules (C "-") = [RotateRight]
reprRules (C "+") = [RotateLeft]
reprRules (C "[") = [Push]
reprRules (C "]") = [Pop]
reprRules _ = []
-- dumb helper to split Text into separate characters
r :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
r = T.chunksOf 1
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