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Last active August 6, 2016 01:26
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import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe
-- Pair of row and column
type Position = (Int, Int)
-- Pair of Position and possible numbers
type Cell = (Position, [Int])
-- List of Cell
type Board = [Cell]
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Parse input into Board. Input has format like 'positionX postitionY Number'.
1 1
1 2 5
1 3
parseBoard :: [String] -> Board
parseBoard xs = map doParseBoard xs
where doParseBoard input = let inputs = map read . words $ input
x = inputs !! 0
y = inputs !! 1
remain = snd $ splitAt 2 inputs
in ((x,y), remain)
rowAt :: Position -> Board -> [Cell]
rowAt (x, y) board = filter (\((px, py), _) -> px == x) board
colAt :: Position -> Board -> [Cell]
colAt (x, y) board = filter (\((px, py), _) -> py == y) board
boxAt :: Position -> Board -> [Cell]
boxAt (x, y) board = filter (\((px, py), _) -> px `elem` bx && py `elem` by) board
where bx = rangeThree x
by = rangeThree y
rangeThree n
| n < 4 = [1, 2, 3]
| n < 7 = [4, 5, 6]
| n < 10 = [7, 8, 9]
| otherwise = error "Invalid number"
getNumber :: Cell -> Maybe Int
getNumber (_, [x]) = Just x
getNumber (_, _) = Nothing
setNumber :: [Int] -> Position -> Board -> Board
setNumber nums position board = let (former, _:latter) = break (\(p, _) -> p == position) board
in former ++ ((position, nums):latter)
getNumberFromPosition :: Position -> Board -> Maybe [Int]
getNumberFromPosition position board = (find (\(p, _) -> p == position) board) >>= (\x -> return $ snd x)
solved :: Board -> Bool
solved board = length (filter (\(p, xs) -> length xs /= 1) board) == 0
{- Solution 1 -}
appearRow :: Position -> Board -> [Int]
appearRow position board = catMaybes $ map getNumber $ rowAt position board
appearCol :: Position -> Board -> [Int]
appearCol position board = catMaybes $ map getNumber $ colAt position board
appearBox :: Position -> Board -> [Int]
appearBox position board = catMaybes $ map getNumber $ boxAt position board
-- Collect possible numbers in the position
candidate :: Position -> Board -> [Int]
candidate position board = numbers \\ appears
where appears = runReader r board
r = do
n1 <- reader $ appearRow position
n2 <- reader $ appearCol position
n3 <- reader $ appearBox position
return (n1 `union` n2 `union` n3)
scanCandidate :: Board -> Board
scanCandidate board = map doScan board
where doScan (p, [x]) = (p, [x])
doScan (p, _) = (p, candidate p board)
-- Solve Sudoku by `scanCandidate`
solveSudoku1 :: Board -> Board
solveSudoku1 board
| solved board = board
| otherwise = solveSudoku1 (scanCandidate board)
{- Solution 2 -}
onlyInRow :: Position -> Board -> Maybe [Int]
onlyInRow position board = do
target <- getNumberFromPosition position board
let others = foldl union [] (map snd $ filter ((/=) position . fst) $ rowAt position board)
onlyIn target others
onlyInCol :: Position -> Board -> Maybe [Int]
onlyInCol position board = do
target <- getNumberFromPosition position board
let others = foldl union [] (map snd $ filter ((/=) position . fst) $ colAt position board)
onlyIn target others
onlyInBox :: Position -> Board -> Maybe [Int]
onlyInBox position board = do
target <- getNumberFromPosition position board
let others = foldl union [] (map snd $ filter ((/=) position . fst) $ boxAt position board)
onlyIn target others
onlyIn :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
onlyIn target others = case target \\ others of
[x] -> Just [x]
_ -> Nothing
-- Find a number which is only one possible in the position.
only :: Position -> Board -> [Int]
only position board = case result of
Just xs -> xs
Nothing -> fromJust original
where original = getNumberFromPosition position board
r = do
n1 <- reader $ onlyInRow position
n2 <- reader $ onlyInCol position
n3 <- reader $ onlyInBox position
return (n1 `mplus` n2 `mplus` n3 `mplus` original)
result = runReader r board
scanOnly :: Board -> Board
scanOnly board = map doScan board
where doScan (p, [x]) = (p, [x])
doScan (p, xs) = (p, only p board)
-- Solve Sudoku by `scanCandidate` and `scanOnly`
solveSudoku2 :: Board -> Board
solveSudoku2 board
| solved board = board
| otherwise = solveSudoku2 (scanOnly . scanCandidate $ board)
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tiqwab commented Aug 6, 2016


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