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Created November 24, 2012 10:29
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class Morris.Gauge extends Morris.EventEmitter
stroke: "#f39d11"
strokeWidth: 28
duration: 500
easing: "<"
maxValue: 100
initialValue: 0
constructor: (options) ->
@el = $ options.element
if @el is null or @el.length == 0
throw new Error("Container element not found")
@options = $.extend {}, @defaults, options
@r = Raphael @el.attr("id"), @el.width(), @el.height()
@cx = @el.width() / 2
@cy = @el.height() / 2
@radius = Math.min(@cx, @cy) - @options.strokeWidth
@value = @options.initialValue
init: ->
addCustomAttributes: ->
@r.customAttributes.arc = (cx, cy, radius, value, total) =>
value = if value < 0 then 0 else Math.ceil(value)
total = total ? 100
value = total if value > total
alpha = 360 / total * value
a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180
x = if total == value then cx - 0.01 else cx + radius * Math.cos(a)
y = if total == value then cy - radius else cy - radius * Math.sin(a)
flag = if total == value then 1 else +(alpha > 180)
{ path: [["M", cx, cy - radius], ["A", radius, radius, 0, flag, 1, x, y]] }
changeValue: (value) ->
@fire("updating", @value, value)
@fire("update", @value, value)
clearInterval @interval
$(value: @value).animate({ value: value },
duration: @options.duration
easing: "swing"
step: (now) => @fire("updating", now, value)
"stroke": @getStroke value
"arc": [@cx, @cy, @radius, value, @options.maxValue]
}, @options.duration, @options.easing, () =>
@fire("updating", @value, value)
@value = value
@fire("updated", @value)
getStroke: (value) ->
if typeof @options.stroke is 'function'
return @, value
draw: ->
@chart = @r.path().attr
"stroke": @getStroke @value
"stroke-width": @options.strokeWidth
"arc": [@cx, @cy, @radius, @value, @options.maxValue]
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