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Created July 24, 2020 06:59
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Build FreeIPA libvirt image
set -e
if [ ! -f $IMG ]; then
virt-builder \
--format qcow2 \
--update \
--output $IMG \
virt-customize \
--format qcow2 \
--timezone Europe/Berlin \
--run-command "id $USER || useradd -m -u $UID -U -s /bin/bash -G wheel $USER" \
--password "$USER:password:Secret123" \
--run-command "rm -rf /home/$USER/.ssh" \
--ssh-inject "$USER:file:/home/$USER/.ssh/" \
--ssh-inject "root:file:/home/$USER/.ssh/" \
--write "/etc/sudoers.d/passwordless:%wheel ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" \
--update \
--install openssh-server,openssl,vim-enhanced,gcc,make,git,rsync,screen,rpm-build,mc \
--install freeipa-server-dns,freeipa-client,pki-ca,389-ds-base,httpd \
--run-command 'dnf module -y enable nodejs:12' \
--selinux-relabel \
-a $IMG
virt-sysprep --operations defaults,-ssh-userdir -a $IMG
qemu-img create -b $IMG -f qcow2 f${VER}-server.qcow2
virt-customize --hostname ipaserver.fas.example -a f${VER}-server.qcow2
# qemu-img create -b $IMG -f qcow2 f${VER}-client.qcow2
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