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Christian Heimes tiran

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tiran / README
Created January 3, 2017 13:30 — forked from atdt/README
A minimal ssh-agent for using a smartcard with PIV for public-key authentication with OpenSSH through PKCS11.
org.wikimedia.ssh-pkcs11-agent.plist -> ~/Library/LaunchAgents
ssh-add -s $OPENSC_LIBS/

Next Steps

  • Measure time spend on index, flush, refresh, merge, query, etc. (TD - done)
  • Take hot threads snapshots under read+write, read-only, write-only (TD - done)
  • Adjust refresh time to 10s (from 1s) and see how load changes (TD)
  • Measure time of a rolling restart doing disable_flush and disable_recovery (TD)
  • Specify routing on query -- make it choose same node for each shard each time (MD)
  • GC new generation size (TD)
  • Warmers
  • measure before/after of client query time with and without warmers (MD)