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Created February 11, 2020 18:41
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Python best practices

Karthikeyan Singaravelan /(Software Engineer at Platform Portal | Python core developer)/


  • Better abstractions
  • Developer tooling
  • Testing
  • Performance

Philosopy of Python

  • 30 years of active development.
  • Zen of Python.
  • PEP8 as a standard.

Better abstractions

  • Learn more about dunder methods and protocols.
  • Using properties and caching.
  • Abstractions in standard library.

Context managers for resource management

  • Context manager protocol __enter__ and __exit__ for resource management.
  • contextlib module provides handy wrappers.
    db = Database()
with Database() as db:

Properties and caching

  • Properties for computational attributes. Cache them if they are immutable.
class Person:
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

    def get_full_name(self):
        return f"{first_name} {last_name}"

    def full_name(self):
        return f"{first_name} {last_name}"

Abstractions in standard library.

  • collections - namedtuple, defaultdict, Counter.
  • itertools - functional constructs
  • command line interface for modules - zipfile, tarfile, json, etc.
  • Dataclasses.

Collections module example

collection = {}

for student, mark in marks:
    if mark not in collection:
        collection[mark] = []
from collections import defaultdict

collection = defaultdict(list)

for student, mark in marks:

Turn on warnings

  • Helps catch potential errors in future.
  • Ensures smooth upgrade process.

Developer Tooling

  • IPython and notebook for interactive sessions.
  • timeit for benchmarking. pyperformance from PyPI.
  • CProfile for profiling.
  • Automatic formatting - Choose one tool - autopep8, yapf, black.
  • pdb for debugging. ipdb, pudb from PyPI.
  • Optional typing with mypy.


  • Use pytest for concise tests.
  • Use coverage for code coverage.
  • Use unittest.mock for mocking tests.
  • Linters : flake8 and pylint.


  • pypy is a JIT for computation intensive code.
  • Cython for writing C interface code.
  • Use native interface libraries. E.g. numpy, pandas, scipy, etc.
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