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Last active January 21, 2021 20:52
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# System info
* MacBook pro M1 13 inch 2020, 16GB RAM, 512GB HD
## Python 3.7 via rosetta 2
Installed via rosetta2 terminal:
brew install python@3.7
See for details.
Python version:
api/bin/python --version
Python 3.7.9
## Node 14 via rosetta 2
Node installed via rosetta2 terminal.
curl -o- | nvm install 14
nvm use 14
npm install -g yarn
Node version:
nvm list
-> v14.15.1
# Volto Build
git clone volto-tmp
cd volto-tmp
time make
✨ Done in 57.00s.
make 158,69s user 31,08s system 154% cpu 2:02,70 total
# Frontend Build
First run:
time make build-frontend
✨ Done in 37.16s.
make build-frontend 49,24s user 4,28s system 137% cpu 38,884 total
Second run:
time make build-frontend
✨ Done in 37.34s.
make build-frontend 50,27s user 4,59s system 140% cpu 38,920 total
Third run:
time make build-frontend
✨ Done in 37.21s.
make build-frontend 49,47s user 4,41s system 138% cpu 38,787 total
# Frontend Test
First run:
export CI=true && time yarn test
✨ Done in 96.88s.
yarn test 232,79s user 45,12s system 286% cpu 1:37,05 total
-> no clue why the first run took so long. it seemed to be stuck at a single test for a while.
Second run:
export CI=true && time yarn test
✨ Done in 28.94s.
yarn test 146,39s user 39,19s system 637% cpu 29,107 total
Third run:
export CI=true && time yarn test
✨ Done in 28.87s.
yarn test 145,66s user 39,25s system 636% cpu 29,036 total
# Backend Build
First run:
make build-backend 18,90s user 1,65s system 79% cpu 25,785 total
Second run:
make build-backend 19,00s user 1,59s system 75% cpu 27,389 total
Third run:
make build-backend 19,09s user 1,59s system 79% cpu 25,890 total
# Plone Core
## Setup
git clone -b 6.0
time make
make 83,17s user 10,82s system 89% cpu 1:45,46 total
## Test
time make test
Total: 8931 tests, 2 failures, 10 errors, 310 skipped in 11 minutes 35.169 seconds.
make: *** [test] Error 1
make test 670,83s user 8,64s system 96% cpu 11:43,69 total
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