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Last active February 16, 2017 14:16
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Google Maps demo for Tim’s simple JavaScript component test, see
/* Namespace */
var DCX = DCX || { };
DCX.Ui = DCX.Ui || { };
DCX.Ui.Model = DCX.Ui.Model || { };
DCX.Ui.View = DCX.Ui.View || { };
DCX.Ui.Controller = DCX.Ui.Controller || { };
DCX.Ui.Service = DCX.Ui.Service || { };
/* Demo page component */
DCX.Ui.DemoPage = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config;
_private.$element = $(document);
_private.$model = $(_private.config.model).first();
// Update page title when the address changes
_private.$model.on('data_changed.dcx_ui_model', function(e)
if (e.data_key === 'address')
document.title = e.data_value;
/* Contact info model */
DCX.Ui.Model.ContactInfo = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config; = { };
_private.$element = $(_private.config.selector).first();
// Update model data when components send new data
_private.$element.on('data_changed.dcx_ui_model', function(e)
{[ e.data_key ] = e.data_value;
/* Contact info controller */
DCX.Ui.Controller.ContactInfo = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config;
_private.$element = $(_private.config.selector).first();
_private.$model = $(_private.config.model).first();
_private.$address_input = $(_private.config.address_input).first();
_private.$map = $(;
_private.$geocoder_service = $(_private.config.geocoder_service).first();
// When the address changes in the model, update the input field value and map
_private.$model.on('data_changed.dcx_ui_model', function(e)
if (e.data_key === 'address')
if (e.data_origin !== 'address_input')
{ data_value: e.data_value }
if (e.data_origin !== 'map')
var result = DCX.Ui.getEventResult
{ address: e.data_value }
location: result.gcr[ 0 ].geometry.location
// When the user enters an address in the input field, change the model
_private.$address_input.on('value_changed.dcx_ui_textinput', function(e)
data_key: 'address',
data_value: e.data_value,
data_origin: 'address_input'
// When the map center changes, do a geocoder address lookup
// and publish its result as a model event
_private.$map.on('center_changed.google_maps_map', function(e)
var result = DCX.Ui.getEventResult
{ location: e.center_location }
data_key: 'address',
data_value: result.gcr[ 0 ].formatted_address,
data_origin: 'map'
/* Address text input component */
DCX.Ui.View.AddressInput = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config;
_private.$element = $(_private.config.selector).first();
_private.$button = $(_private.config.button).first();
// Update the input value when requested
_private.$element.on('set_value.dcx_ui_textinput', function(e)
if (_private.$element.val() === e.data_value)
_private.$button.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// When the user starts to type in the address input field, enable the "Jump to" button
_private.$element.on('keyup', function(e)
// When the user clicks the "Jump to" button, trigger a "value_changed" event
_private.$button.on('click', function(e)
data_value: _private.$element.val()
/* Google Maps map component */
DCX.Ui.View.GoogleMaps_Map = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config;
_private.$element = $(_private.config.selector).first();
// Create Google Maps map = new google.maps.Map
_private.$element[ 0 ],
// Pan to coordinates if requested
_private.$element.on('pan_to.google_maps_map', function(e)
// Translate Google Maps events into jQuery custom events
google.maps.event.addListener(, 'center_changed', function()
{ center_location: }
/* Google Maps geocoder component */
DCX.Ui.Service.GoogleMaps_Geocoder = function(config)
var _private = { };
_private.config = config;
_private.$element = $(_private.config.selector).first();
// Create Google Maps geocoder
_private.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
// Get location by address
_private.$element.on('geocode.google_maps_geocoder', function(e)
var request = { address: e.address };
var deferred = $.Deferred();
_private.geocoder.geocode(request, function(results, status)
if ((status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) && results[ 1 ])
// XXX is it okay to write custom data into the promise?
$.extend(true, deferred.promise(), { gcr: results });
return deferred.promise();
// Get address by location
_private.$element.on('reverse_geocode.google_maps_geocoder', function(e)
var request = { location: e.location };
var deferred = $.Deferred();
_private.geocoder.geocode(request, function(results, status)
if ((status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) && results[ 1 ])
// XXX is it okay to write custom data into the promise?
$.extend(true, deferred.promise(), { gcr: results });
return deferred.promise();
/* Generic framework */
DCX.Ui.component_selectors = [ ];
DCX.Ui.createComponent = function(config)
config = config || { };{ }, config);
if ($.inArray(config.selector, DCX.Ui.component_selectors) < 0)
DCX.Ui.createComponents = function(configs)
if (! $.isArray(configs))
$.each(configs, function(i, config)
$.each(DCX.Ui.component_selectors, function(i, selector)
DCX.Ui.getEventResult = function($element, event_type, event_properties)
var all_results = DCX.Ui.getAllEventResults($element, event_type, event_properties);
return all_results[ 0 ];
DCX.Ui.getAllEventResults = function($element, event_type, event_properties)
var e = $.Event(event_type, event_properties);
if (e.result === undefined)
return [ { } ];
if (! $.isArray(e.result))
e.result = [ e.result ];
return e.result;
/* Generic framework - "loader" that initializes components */
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