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Last active February 24, 2023 20:53
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Example on how to implement an OAuth token store in Clojure
(ns token-refresh-example
(:require [clojure.string :refer [ends-with?]]
[clj-http.client :as http])
(:import [java.time Instant]
[java.time.temporal ChronoUnit]))
;;;; Logging implementation for exercising these tests
(defn log
"Print avoiding interleaving of concurrent prints"
[& more]
(print (str (apply str more) \newline))
;;;; Emulation of HTTP requests
; This is to test the usual behavior of clj-http.client
(-> (http/get "" {:as :json})
(defn generate-token-data []
(let [token (->> (rand (bit-shift-left 1 32))
(format "%x"))]
{:access_token (str "tok" token)
:refresh_token (str "ref" token)
:expires_in (-> (Instant/now)
(.plus 5 ChronoUnit/SECONDS))}))
(defn emulate-http-request [req]
; avoids interleaving of concurrent prints
(log "Sending request... " req)
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(let [resp (if (ends-with? (:url req) "/token")
{:status 200
:body (generate-token-data)}
(if (:oauth-token req)
{:status 200}
{:status 401}))]
(log "Received response. " resp)
(with-redefs [http/request emulate-http-request]
(http/request {:method :get :url "" :oauth-token "x"})))
;;;; Example
(defn request-oauth-token [authcode]
(:body (http/request {:method :post
:url ""
:form-params {:grant_type "authorization_code"
:code authcode
:etc :etc}})))
(defn token-needs-refresh? [token-data ^Instant now]
(pos? (compare
(.plus now 3 ChronoUnit/SECONDS)
(:expires_in token-data))))
(defn refresh-oauth-token [refresh-token]
(http/request {:method :post
:url ""
:form-params {:grant_type "refresh_token"
:refresh_token refresh-token
:etc :etc}})))
(defn revise-oauth-token [token-store]
(-> (swap! token-store
(fn [token-promise]
(if (token-needs-refresh? @token-promise (Instant/now))
(delay (refresh-oauth-token (:refresh_token @token-promise)))
;; Alternative implementation.
(defn revise-oauth-token [token-store]
(let [token-promise @token-store
token-data @token-promise]
(if (token-needs-refresh? token-data (Instant/now))
(let [new-token-promise (promise)]
(if (compare-and-set! token-store token-promise new-token-promise)
@(new-token-promise (refresh-oauth-token (:refresh_token token-data)))
(defn example [authcode]
(let [token-store (atom (delay (request-oauth-token authcode)))]
{:method :get
:url ""
:oauth-token (revise-oauth-token token-store)})
(println "Sleeping for OAuth token to expire...")
(Thread/sleep 10000)
(let [f1 (future (http/request
{:method :get
:url ""
:oauth-token (revise-oauth-token token-store)}))
f2 (future (http/request
{:method :get
:url ""
:oauth-token (revise-oauth-token token-store)}))]
(with-redefs [http/request emulate-http-request]
(example "myauthcode")))
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