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Created August 10, 2017 07:04
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Fonction PHP pour spinner du contenu SEO
function spin($txt){
$pattern = '#\{([^{}]*)\}#msi';
$test = preg_match_all($pattern, $txt, $out);
return $txt;
$a_trouver = array();
$a_remplacer = array();
foreach($out[0] as $id => $match)
$choisir = explode("|", $out[1][$id]);
$a_trouver[] = $match;
$a_remplacer[] = $choisir[rand(0, count($choisir)-1)];
$reponse = str_replace($a_trouver, $a_remplacer, $txt);
return spin($reponse);
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