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Last active August 17, 2019 09:52
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let ( |> ) x f = f x;;
let printarray a =
let rec printlist = function
| head :: rest -> print_char head; printlist rest;
| [] -> print_newline () in
printlist (Array.to_list a);;
let swap a i j =
let tmp = Array.get a i in
Array.set a i (Array.get a j);
Array.set a j tmp;;
let rec fac n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1);;
let letters = [|'t'; 'i'; 't'; 'o'; 'u'; 'a'; 'n'|];;
let len = Array.length letters;;
let rec generate k a =
if k = 1 then begin
printarray a
end else
for i = 0 to (k - 1) do
generate (k - 1) a;
if (k mod 2 <> 0) then
swap a i (k - 1)
swap a 0 (k - 1)
Printf.printf "Number of possibilities: %d\n" (letters |> Array.length |> fac);
generate (Array.length letters) letters;;
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print all possibilities of an char array using the naive heap algorithm (pseudo code here

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number of all possible permutation = fac $ length a

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