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Created December 29, 2021 02:11
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import numpy as np
import numba
from typing import List, Tuple
W_INS = 2
W_DEL = 2
W_SUB = 1
W_MATCH = -2
def alloc(Di, Di_1):
C = np.zeros([len(Di) + 1, len(Di_1) + 1], dtype=np.int32)
Di = np.asarray(Di)
Di_1 = np.asarray(Di_1)
return C, Di, Di_1
def row_fill(C):
for j in range(0, C.shape[0]): # 0 to N_i + 1
C[j, 0] = W_DEL_NON * j
def col_fill(C):
for k in range(1, C.shape[1]): # 1 to N_{i+1} + 1
C[0, k] = W_INS * k
def e_sub(Di, Di_1, j, k):
# j/k indices are padded by 1, so subtract 1 when indexing seq Di and Di_1
if Di[j - 1] == Di_1[k - 1]:
return W_MATCH
return W_SUB
def cost(C, Di, Di_1):
# first pass
for j in range(1, C.shape[0]): # 1 to N_i + 1
for k in range(1, C.shape[1]): # 1 to N_{i+1} + 1
if j < (C.shape[0] - 1):
del_cost = C[j - 1, k] + W_DEL
ins_cost = C[j, k - 1] + W_INS
sub_cost = C[j - 1, k - 1] + e_sub(Di, Di_1, j, k)
C[j, k] = min(del_cost, ins_cost, sub_cost)
del_cost = C[j - 1, k] + W_DEL
ins_cost = C[j, k - 1] + W_INS_NON
sub_cost = C[j - 1, k - 1] + e_sub(Di, Di_1, j, k)
C[j, k] = min(del_cost, ins_cost, sub_cost)
def compute_alignment(Di: str, Di_1: str):
Di = list(Di)
Di_1 = list(Di_1)
# allocate memory
C, Di, Di_1 = alloc(Di, Di_1)
# initialize
# compute cost
cost(C, Di, Di_1)
return C
def compute_overlap_path(C) -> (List[Tuple[int]], Tuple[int]):
j, k = C.shape[0] - 1, C.shape[1] - 1
idx = None
path = [(j, k)]
while j > 0 or k > 0:
if j > 0 and k > 0:
top = C[j - 1, k]
left = C[j, k - 1]
diagonal = C[j - 1, k - 1]
if diagonal <= top and diagonal <= left:
# overlapped segment, update both idx and path
idx = (j - 1, k - 1)
path.append((j - 1, k - 1))
j = j - 1
k = k - 1
elif top <= left and top <= diagonal:
# dont update overlap index, just path
path.append((j - 1, k))
j = j - 1
elif left <= top and left <= diagonal:
# not overlap, but prioritize Di_1 so update idx
idx = (j, k - 1)
path.append((j, k - 1))
k = k - 1
elif j > 0:
# dont update overlap index, just path
path.append((j - 1, k))
j = j - 1
# not overlap, but prioritize Di_1 so update path but not idx
path.append((j, k - 1))
k = k - 1
return path, idx
def merge_text(Di, Di_1, overlap_idx):
new_seq = Di[:overlap_idx[0]] + Di_1[overlap_idx[1]:]
return new_seq
def print_alignment(C, Di, Di_1):
for k in range(len(Di_1) + 1):
if k == 0:
print(" \t-\t", end='')
print(f"{Di_1[k - 1]}\t", end="")
for j in range(C.shape[0]): # 0 to N_i + 1
if j == 0:
print("-\t", end='')
print(f"{Di[j - 1]}\t", end="")
for k in range(C.shape[1]): # 0 to N_{i+1} + 1
print(f"{C[j][k]}\t", end="")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Di = "speech recognize"
Di_1 = "cognition"
print("Previous Buffer (Di) :", Di)
print("New Buffer (Di+1) :", Di_1)
C = compute_alignment(Di, Di_1)
print("Alignment Matrix :")
print_alignment(C, Di, Di_1)
path, overlap_idx = compute_overlap_path(C)
path = [str(p) for p in path]
print("Overlap path : ", " -> ".join(path))
print("Overlap index :", overlap_idx)
new_sentence = "".join(merge_text(Di, Di_1, overlap_idx))
print("Previous Buffer (Di) :", Di)
print("New Buffer (Di+1) :", Di_1)
print("Merged sequence :", new_sentence)
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Previous Buffer (Di) : speech recognize
New Buffer    (Di+1) : cognition

Alignment Matrix :
 	-	c	o	g	n	i	t	i	o	n	
-	0	2	4	6	8	10	12	14	16	18	
s	0	1	3	5	7	9	11	13	15	17	
p	0	1	2	4	6	8	10	12	14	16	
e	0	1	2	3	5	7	9	11	13	15	
e	0	1	2	3	4	6	8	10	12	14	
c	0	-2	0	2	4	5	7	9	11	13	
h	0	0	-1	1	3	5	6	8	10	12	
 	0	1	1	0	2	4	6	7	9	11	
r	0	1	2	2	1	3	5	7	8	10	
e	0	1	2	3	3	2	4	6	8	9	
c	0	-2	0	2	4	4	3	5	7	9	
o	0	0	-4	-2	0	2	4	4	3	5	
g	0	1	-2	-6	-4	-2	0	2	4	4	
n	0	1	0	-4	-8	-6	-4	-2	0	2	
i	0	1	2	-2	-6	-10	-8	-6	-4	-2	
z	0	1	2	0	-4	-8	-9	-7	-5	-3	
e	0	0	0	0	-2	-6	-7	-8	-8	-8	

Overlap path :  (16, 9) -> (16, 8) -> (16, 7) -> (15, 6) -> (14, 5) -> (13, 4) -> (12, 3) -> (11, 2) -> (10, 1) -> (9, 0) -> (8, 0) -> (7, 0) -> (6, 0) -> (5, 0) -> (4, 0) -> (3, 0) -> (2, 0) -> (1, 0) -> (0, 0)
Overlap index : (9, 0)

Previous Buffer (Di) : speech recognize
New Buffer    (Di+1) : cognition
Merged sequence      : speech recognition

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