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Last active May 9, 2022 23:21
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Proposed structure for Wheel Implementation in Static Languages
// Existing Action API for comparison purposes to proposals below
// Move to Element
public Actions MoveToElement(IWebElement toElement)
// Move to Element, then move by Offset based on upper left of element
public Actions MoveToElement(IWebElement toElement, int offsetX, int offsetY)
// Move to Element, then move by offset with ability to toggle center of the element instead of upper left
public Actions MoveToElement(IWebElement toElement, int offsetX, int offsetY, MoveToElementOffsetOrigin offsetOrigin)
// Move By Offset from last known position of pointer
public Actions MoveByOffset(int offsetX, int offsetY)
// If element is outside the viewport, scroll bottom part of element to the bottom of the viewport
public Actions ScrollToElement(IWebElement toElement)
// If element is outside viewport, scroll to element, then scroll by scroll values originating from element-center
public Actions ScrollToElement(IWebElement toElement, int scrollX, int scrollY)
// Scroll by scroll values originating from upper left of viewport
public Actions ScrollByAmount(int scrollX, int scrollY)
// Scroll by scroll values originating from a the provided origin
public Actions ScrollByOffset(int scrollX, int scrollY, ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin)
// 2 possible scroll origins:
// Scroll to the element, scroll by scroll values originating from element-center plus offset
public ScrollOrigin(IWebElement element, offsetX, offsetY)
// Scroll to the element, scroll by scroll values originating from the viewport coordinates
public ScrollOrigin(Point viewportCoordinates)
// Existing Action API for comparison purposes to proposals below
actions = new Actions(driver);
// Move to Element
// Move to Element with Offset
actions.moveToElement(targetElement, xOffset, yOffset).perform();
// Move by Offset
actions.moveBy(xOffset, yOffset).perform();
actions = new Actions(driver);
// Scroll to Element
// Scroll to Element with Offset; Assumes element is origin
actions.scrollToELement(targetElement, xOffset, yOffset).perform();
// Scroll by Offset; Assumes Viewport is origin
actions.scrollByOffset(xOffset, yOffset).perform();
// Scroll with Origin Coordinates
// Origin.viewport() already exists but doesn't take arguments, so would need to implement one with Point instance
// Alternatively can implement a new class that takes Origin as an argument
actions.scroll(xOffset, yOffset, Origin.viewport(new Point(x, y))).perform();
// Scroll with Origin Element + offsets from Center of Origin Element
// Origin.fromElement() would need to be overloaded to take a Point as well
actions.scroll(xOffset, yOffset, Origin.fromElement(targetElement, new Point(x, y)).perform();
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Yeah, the moveToElement and moveByOffset are existing API, I'm providing it for context since I figure we should try to make the similar things similar. (but I agree with your points and that is how it is named in Ruby)

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