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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Always locate
context 'when set to true' do
before do
Watir.always_locate = true
browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for('removed_element.html', :needs_server => true)
it '#exists? relocates the element when it is stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect(element.exists?).to be true
it '#exists? relocates the element when it is not stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
allow(browser.driver).to receive(:find_element).with(:id, 'text') { raise }
expect { element.exists? }.to raise_error
it 'does not raise an exception when taking an action on a stale element' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect { element.text }.to_not raise_error
context 'when set to false' do
before do
Watir.always_locate = false
browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for('removed_element.html', :needs_server => true)
it '#exists? does not relocate an element when it is stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect(element.exists?).to be false
it '#exists? does not relocate an element when it is not stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
allow(browser.driver).to receive(:find_element).with(:id, 'text') { raise }
expect { element.exists? }.to_not raise_error
it 'raises an exception when taking an action on a stale element' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect { element.text }.to raise_error
it '#exists? relocates a stale element when called twice' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect(element.exists?).to be false
expect(element.exists?).to be true
it 'does not raise an exception if calls #exists? on stale element before taking action' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect(element.exists?).to be false
expect { element.text }.to_not raise_error
Having a toggle for #always_locate is confusing.
The confusion is over two different interpretations of what #exists? means.
1) Does the WebDriver::Element object previously located currently exist?
2) Is there an element in the DOM that matches the locator?
Current behavior has several issues:
1) Caching. Neither setting allows you to cache elements so long as they are stale and
automatically re-locate them once they become stale
2) Making multiple calls of the same method in succession can return different results.
The two interpretations of exists should each have their own method.
I suggest adding #stale? to check for whether the WebDriver::Element previously located is
still present and continue using #exists? to determine whether an object matches the locator
This allows the framework to better accommodate the intention of the test by trying to the
fullest extent to carry out the test's instructions, and to only raise an exception in
exceptional circumstances.
before do
browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for('removed_element.html', :needs_server => true)
# current behavior from always_locate? == true
it '#exists? relocates an element when it is stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect(element.exists?).to be true
# current behavior from always_locate? == false
# performance advantage over current always_locate? == true
it '#exists? does not relocate an element when it is not stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
allow(browser.driver).to receive(:find_element).with(:id, 'text') { raise }
expect { element.exists? }.to_not raise_error
# current behavior from always_locate? == true
it 'does not raise an exception when taking an action on a stale element' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.exists?).to be true
expect { element.text }.to_not raise_error
# current behavior from #exits? when always_locate? == false
it '#stale? does not relocate an element when it is stale' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.stale?).to be false
expect(element.stale?).to be true
# this behavior not possible from current code
it '#stale? does not relocate an element when called multiple times' do
element = browser.div(:id => "text")
expect(element.stale?).to be false
expect(element.stale?).to be true
expect(element.stale?).to be true
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