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Created March 6, 2022 23:22
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Get windows dimension and location in python with xdotool
# You need to install
# sudo apt-get install -y xdotool
import subprocess
import re
def clean_output(output_b):
return output_b.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
def getWindowIdGeometry(id):
output_b, error_b = subprocess.Popen(
["xdotool", "getwindowgeometry", str(id)],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE
error = clean_output(error_b)
windows_id, position_screen, size = clean_output(output_b)
position_template = r'Position: (?P<x>-?\d+),(?P<y>-?\d+) \(screen: (?P<screen_number>\d+)\)'
size_template = r'Geometry: (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)'
g = re.match(position_template , position_screen.strip())
result = {"id":id}
result["window_x"] = int('x'))
result["window_y"] = int('y'))
result["window_screen_number"] = int('screen_number'))
g_wh = re.match(size_template , size.strip())
result["width"] = int('width'))
result["height"] = int('height'))
return result
def getAllWindowsIds(title_contains = 'Poker'):
output_b, error_b = subprocess.Popen(
["xdotool", "search", "--name", title_contains],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
ids_window = clean_output(output_b)
error = clean_output(error_b)
return ids_window
def getAllWindowsPositions(title_contains = 'Poker'):
ids = getAllWindowsIds(title_contains)
result = []
for id in ids:
info = getWindowIdGeometry(id)
return result
# print(getAllWindowsPositions('Chrome'))
# print(getAllWindowsPositions())
# ask for user input on terminal
title = input("Type title window substring (insensitive case): ")
# Output
#[{'id': '56682625', 'window_x': 2534, 'window_y': -23, 'window_screen_number': 0, 'width': 976, 'height': 1132}, {'id': '65011713', 'window_x': 2633, 'window_y': 75, 'window_screen_number': 0, 'width': 1848, 'height': 1043}]
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