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Forked from zoubingwu/main.js
Last active July 11, 2023 02:53
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Twitter insta block
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter Insta Block with Firefox support
// @namespace your-namespace-here
// @version 1.1
// @description Adds a "Block User" button on Twitter timeline conversations and blocks the user with one click
// @author zoubingwu, tizee
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
function getCookie(name) {
const cookieString = document.cookie;
const cookies = cookieString.split(";");
const cookieMap = cookies.reduce((map, cookie) => {
const [key, value] = cookie.trim().split("=");
map[key] = value;
return map;
}, {});
return cookieMap[name];
function getHeader() {
// Provide your own token here
const headers = {
authorization: "",
"x-csrf-token": getCookie("ct0"),
"x-twitter-auth-type": "OAuth2Session",
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes",
"x-twitter-client-language": "en",
return headers;
async function getUserId(screenName) {
return fetch(
method: "GET",
credentials: "include",
headers: getHeader(),
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
console.log(`User @${screenName} info`, data);
return data.id_str;
.catch((error) => {
// Define a function to block a user by screen name
async function blockUser(screenName) {
const userId = await getUserId(screenName);
method: "POST",
credentials: "include",
headers: getHeader(),
body: {
user_id: userId,
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
console.log(`User @${screenName} blocked successfully`);
} else {
console.error(`Failed to block user @${screenName}`);
.catch((error) => {
const regex = /^https:\/\/twitter\.com\/\w+\/status\/(\d+)$/;
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerHTML = `
.insta-block-button {
margin-right: 10px;
height: 36px;
width: 36px;
border-radius: 50%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
transition-duration: 0.2s;
.insta-block-button:hover {
background-color: rgba(29, 155, 240, 0.1)
const tampered = new WeakSet();
const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutationList, observer) {
if (!regex.test(window.location.href)) {
// Find the screen name of the user who posted the conversation
const conversationItems = document.querySelectorAll(
// For each conversation item, add a "Block User" button
conversationItems.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
if (tampered.has(item)) {
const screenName = item
.querySelector('[data-testid="User-Name"] a[role="link"]')
if (item.querySelector(`button[data-name="${screenName}"]`)) {
// Create a "Block User" button
const blockButton = document.createElement("div");
blockButton.innerHTML = `<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" class="r-18jsvk2 r-4qtqp9 r-yyyyoo r-1q142lx r-1xvli5t r-dnmrzs r-bnwqim r-1plcrui r-lrvibr"><g><path d="M12 3.75c-4.55 0-8.25 3.69-8.25 8.25 0 1.92.66 3.68 1.75 5.08L17.09 5.5C15.68 4.4 13.92 3.75 12 3.75zm6.5 3.17L6.92 18.5c1.4 1.1 3.16 1.75 5.08 1.75 4.56 0 8.25-3.69 8.25-8.25 0-1.92-.65-3.68-1.75-5.08zM1.75 12C1.75 6.34 6.34 1.75 12 1.75S22.25 6.34 22.25 12 17.66 22.25 12 22.25 1.75 17.66 1.75 12z"></path></g></svg>`; = screenName;
// Add a click event listener to the button to block the user
blockButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
// Firfox compatiblility
const tweet = document
if (tweet) {
// Add the "Block User" button to the conversation item
const menu = item.querySelector('div[aria-label="More"]');
if (menu) {
observer.observe(document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
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