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Created August 18, 2020 21:04
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****** Introspection Errors ********
[FAIL] Could not find the field 'AEAutocorrectModeNone' in /System/Library/Frameworks/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.framework/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration
[FAIL] Could not find the field 'AEAutocorrectModeSpelling' in /System/Library/Frameworks/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.framework/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration
[FAIL] Could not find the field 'AEAutocorrectModePunctuation' in /System/Library/Frameworks/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration.framework/AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration
[FAIL] iOSApiFieldTest.ApiFieldTest.FieldExists :  3 errors found in 6282 fields validated: AEAutocorrectModeNone, AEAutocorrectModeSpelling, AEAutocorrectModePunctuation
Tests run: 45 Passed: 44 Inconclusive: 0 Failed: 1 Ignored: 0
****** My binding *****************
enum AEAutocorrectMode : long {
[Field ("AEAutocorrectModeNone")]
None = 0,
[Field ("AEAutocorrectModeSpelling")]
Spelling = 1 << 0,
[Field ("AEAutocorrectModePunctuation")]
Punctuation = 1 << 1,
****** Objective C *****************
+API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, macCatalyst)
+typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, AEAutocorrectMode) {
+ AEAutocorrectModeNone = 0,
+ AEAutocorrectModeSpelling = 1 << 0,
+ AEAutocorrectModePunctuation = 1 << 1,
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(AEAssessmentConfiguration.AutocorrectMode);
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