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Forked from anonymous/LamportVerify.sol
Created February 9, 2016 15:24
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library LamportVerify{
function getBit(bytes32 data, uint256 index) constant returns(uint8) { // gets bit `i` from data
return uint8(uint256(data) / (2**((255-index)))) & 0x01;
function verify_sig(bytes32 msgHash, bytes32[512] pubKey, bytes32[256] signature) returns(bool){
for(uint i; i < 256; i++){
bytes32 pub;
if(getBit(msgHash,i) == 0) pub
if(!(pubKey[getBit(msgHash,i)][i] == sha3(signature[i]))) return false;
return true;
contract BTCRelay{
function getLastBlockHeight() public returns(int256);
function getBlockHash(int256) public returns(int256);
contract Powerball{
mapping(address => uint8[6][]) public tickets;
mapping(address => uint) public balances;
uint public roundStart;
uint public constant roundLength = 3 days;
bool roundOver = false;
enum Phase {Bet,Draw,Claim}
Phase currentPhase = Phase.Bet;
uint8[] public balls;
BTCRelay relay;
uint public constant houseEdge = 1; //percent of each ticket
address house;
uint houseFunds;
int256 firstBlock;
function Powerball(address relayAddress){
relay = BTCRelay(relayAddress);
roundStart = block.timestamp;
house = msg.sender;
function buyTicket(uint8[6] numbers){
if(startDraw()) throw;
if(!checkNumbers(numbers)) throw;
if(msg.value < 2 ether) throw;
for(uint16 i = 0; i < msg.value/2; i++){
houseFunds += msg.value/100;
function startDraw() returns(bool){
if(block.timestamp > roundStart + roundLength){
if(currentPhase == Phase.Bet){
currentPhase = Phase.Draw;
firstBlock = relay.getLastBlockHeight() + 2;
return false;
return true;
function checkNumbers(uint8[6] numbers) returns (bool){
for(var i = 0; i <6; i++){
if (numbers[i] > 69 || numbers[i] <1) return false;
if(numbers[5]>26) return false;
return true;
function getBall(uint8 ball) returns(uint8){
if(balls[ball] != 0) return balls[ball];
if(ball > 5) throw;
if (relay.getLastBlockHeight() < 8+ball+firstBlock) throw;
int256 hash = relay.getBlockHash(firstBlock + ball);
if (hash == 0) throw;
else if(ball !=5) balls[ball] = uint8(hash) % 69 +1;
else balls[ball] = uint8(hash)%26;
library LamportVerify{
function getBit(bytes32 data, uint256 index) constant returns(uint8) { // gets bit `i` from data
return uint8(uint256(data) / (2**((255-index)))) & 0x01;
function verify_sig(bytes32 msgHash, bytes32[2][256] pubKey, bytes32[256] signature) returns(bool){
for(uint i; i < 256; i++){
if(!(pubKey[getBit(msgHash,i)][i] == sha3(signature[i]))) return false;
return true;
contract qETH {
LamportVerify LamportLib;
struct account {
bool _init; // Has pubKey been set?
uint _nonce; // Account nonce for rederiving privKeys. newPrivKey = sha3(masterKey + nonce)
bytes32[2][256] _pubKey; // Current public key
uint _balance;
mapping(address => account) public accounts;
function qETH(address lib){
if (lib == 0) LamportLib = new LamportVerify(); // if no library exists, make new library
else LamportLib = LamportVerify(lib);
function hashMsg(address from, address to, uint amount, bytes32[2][256] newKey) public constant returns(bytes32) { // Helper function to construct msg hash
return sha3(from,to,amount);
function balanceOf(address addr) constant returns(uint){
return accounts[addr]._balance;
function setPubKey (bytes32[2][256] pubKey) public {
accounts[msg.sender]._balance += msg.value;
if(accounts[msg.sender]._init == true) throw;
accounts[msg.sender]._pubKey = pubKey;
accounts[msg.sender]._init = true;
function sendVerify(address from, address to, uint amount, bytes32[2][256] newKey, bytes32[256] sig) { //sig is signature of msgHash
bytes32 msgHash = hashMsg(from,to,amount, newKey);
if (accounts[from]._init == false || !LamportLib.verify_sig(msgHash,accounts[from]._pubKey,sig)) throw; //Check initialization and Lamport signature
if (accounts[from]._balance < amount || accounts[to]._balance + amount < accounts[to]._balance) throw; //Check overflow and underflow
accounts[from]._balance -= amount;
accounts[from]._pubKey = newKey;
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint amount, bytes32[2][256] newKey, bytes32[256] sig) public {
sendVerify(from, to, amount, newKey, sig);
accounts[to]._balance += amount;
function transfer(address to, uint amount, bytes32[2][256] newKey, bytes32[256] sig){
sendVerify(msg.sender, to, amount, newKey, sig);
accounts[to]._balance += amount;
function withdraw(address from, address to, uint amount, bytes32[2][256] newKey, bytes32[256] sig) public {
sendVerify(from, to, amount, newKey, sig);
accounts[msg.sender]._balance += msg.value;
contract Lotto{
function Under_the_Hood() constant returns (
uint256 UtH_res_, // Reslut
uint256 UtH_a_, // 'Random' value
uint256 UtH_m_); // Modulus
contract Steal {
Lotto lotto = Lotto(0xc0cd30de8fbe76ebe4e14bdb2667436e05f7cfc9);
function get() public constant returns (uint _a){
var (res,a,m) = lotto.Under_the_Hood();
return a;
contract testarray{
bytes32[2][2] data;
function add (bytes32[2][2] dat) external {
data = dat;
function get(uint8 i, uint8 j) external constant returns (bytes32){
return data[j][i];
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