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Created February 13, 2021 13:06
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import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri
import enumeratum.Enum
import enumeratum.EnumEntry
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
object Activity {
sealed abstract class Type extends EnumEntry.Lowercase
object Type extends Enum[Type] {
case object Post extends Type
case object Comment extends Type
override def values: IndexedSeq[Type] = findValues
case class Parent(id: String, author: User)
object Target {
sealed abstract class Type extends EnumEntry.Lowercase
object Type extends Enum[Type] {
case object Topic extends Type
case object Group extends Type
case object User extends Type
override def values: IndexedSeq[Type] = findValues
case class Target(id: String, `type`: Target.Type)
object Content {
sealed abstract class Attachment
object Attachment {
case class Video(video: Uri) extends Attachment
case class Image(image: Uri) extends Attachment
case class Content(language: String,
text: String,
enriched_text: String,
attachments: Seq[Content.Attachment])
sealed trait Activity {
def id: String
def `type`: Activity.Type
def author: User
def content: Activity.Content
def target: Activity.Target
def created_at: ZonedDateTime
def version: String
case class Post(id: String,
author: User,
content: Activity.Content,
target: Activity.Target,
created_at: ZonedDateTime,
version: String = "2") extends Activity {
val `type`: Activity.Type = Activity.Type.Post
case class Comment(id: String,
author: User,
content: Activity.Content,
target: Activity.Target,
parent: Activity.Parent,
created_at: ZonedDateTime,
version: String = "2") extends Activity {
val `type`: Activity.Type = Activity.Type.Comment
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