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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save tjaskula/9000921 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tjaskula/9000921 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Trying to set up an Azure worker role with an asynchronous workflow for a polling service. The problem is that the role starts well and after some time becomes unresponsive. I don't know exactly what's the issue as in intellitrace there's no explicit exception. Do you see any problem here which may lead to this unstable situation ? After Mark an…
module PollingService
open System.Diagnostics
let poll interval work =
let sw = Stopwatch()
let rec loop() =
async {
let elapsed = int sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
if elapsed < interval then
do! Async.Sleep(interval - elapsed)
return! loop()
type WorkerRole() =
inherit RoleEntryPoint()
let log message (kind : string) = Trace.TraceInformation(message, kind)
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
let interval = 2000
let mutable onStopCalled = false
let mutable returnedFromRunMethod = false;
override wr.Run() =
log "ExternalUserImport entry point called" "Information"
let polling = PollingService.poll interval (fun () ->
log "Doing asynchronous work" "Information"
Async.Start(polling, cts.Token)
| ex -> let mutable err = ex.Message
if (ex.InnerException <> null) then
err <- err + "Inner Exception : " + ex.InnerException.Message
while (true) do
if (onStopCalled = true) then
Trace.TraceInformation("onStopCalled WorkerRoleB")
returnedFromRunMethod <- true
override wr.OnStart() =
log "On start called" "Information"
// Set the maximum number of concurrent connections
ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit <- Environment.ProcessorCount
override wr.OnStop() =
log "On stop called" "Information"
//cts <- new CancellationTokenSource()
onStopCalled <- true
while(returnedFromRunMethod = false) do
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I think the problem maybe that the polling is starting on a background thread using Async.Start, and then this frees the main thread to just continue the loop, which will in turn start another polling thread. So I guess eventually your ending up starving the worker of threads?

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Arrghh, just beat me to it. Good that we came to the same conclusion thou :)

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@ploeh, @colinbull thanks for your help, effectively it's a nice catch. I'll refactor removing "while(true) do" loop and will post the response

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For the not working role please look at revision 2

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eulerfx commented Feb 15, 2014


while (true) do
            if (onStopCalled = true) then
                Trace.TraceInformation("onStopCalled WorkerRoleB")
                returnedFromRunMethod <- true


The () at the end of the if expression doesn't break the loop.

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