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Last active May 12, 2022 18:58
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Ruby-Yield Statement
# Ruby Yield Statement
# Yield statement is used for a method that takes in a block and needs to invoke the code block.
# In this e.g, name() method takes in a block defined in line #10.
# In the method definition, wherever 'yield' keyword comes up, the code block is rendered.
def name
puts "A yield will be called with id of 12"
yield 12
puts "A yield will be called with id of 14"
yield 14
name {|i| puts "I am called by yield name #{i}"}
#// Output:
#// A yield will be called with id of 12
#// I am called by yield name 12
#// A yield will be called with id of 14
#// I am called by yield name 14
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