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Created November 18, 2012 23:50
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MyCroft Minecraft Server Rules 20121118
1. You can prank like on Mindcrack.
2. Don't grief/steal.
3. Don't be a dick.
4. Don't go killing animals, or leaving half-trees or 1x1 towers everywhere.
5. Don't spam or be annoying.
6. Administrators can ban you, and the rules can change.
0. Definitions:
Possessions: Placed Blocks; Stored Items; Held Items.
Near/Nearby: Within 256 blocks.
Middle of nowhere: A location that has no claimed land nearby.
Animal: A passive mob that produces meat or wool.
Noob tower: A 1x1 tower built straight up for the purpose of one-way vertical transportation or for looking ugly.
Away from your house: In the middle of nowhere or near/at others' property without permission.
Property: An area a player owns. A player immediately owns a found Minecraft-generated structure that is not a stronghold unless it is unwanted. A player owns what he builds and may share, transfer, or null his/her ownership.
Administrator: A player who has control to directly ban other players.
I. Pranking
A. Definition of pranking
1. A creation or act toward another player intended to control how the player will react.
2. Any prank that falls under the definition of griefing is no longer a prank.
B. Guidelines to pranking
1. Forbidden materials
a. Wither
b. TNT
c. Lava
d. Fire
e. Exceptions
i. Internal fire: the use of fire that is completely contained to not damage any of the victim's possessions.
ii. Deactivated TNT: the use of TNT for the sole purpose of aesthetics or sound that cannot damage a player or his possessions without the external placement of an activating device (Restone torch, Lever, Flint & Steel, Lava, Etc.)
2. Requirements
a. The pranker must place a noticably visible sign near the location of the prank.
i. The sign must include the pranker's username.
ii. The sign may be included with other signs hinting about the prank.
II. Griefing
A. Defenition of griefing
1. The undoing of a work such as building, resource gathering, or trading to another person without direct permission from the person or an administrator. Usually done with the intentions to anger the victim.
2. Controlling a destructive force such as fire to damage one's possessions.
a. Exceptions
i. The damaging of a player's worn armor by attacking them.
3. Local nature griefing
a. The altering of surroundings to one's property in an unwanted way. (Example: Building too close to someone)
4. Otherwise angering act chosen by the discretion of administrators.
5. Exceptions
a. Consentual griefing
i. Griefing with the consent of the victim(s) and/or the administrators is allowed.
III. Language
A. Discrimination/Hate Speech
1. All discrimination will result in a ban. This includes, but is not limited to, racial, religious, sexual, and social discrimination.
a. This does not include classes of people inclusive to the server, such as administrator, moderator, Team Canada, etc.
2. Expression and propagandization of hate toward people or groups of people is bannable.
B. Use of strong language
1. Strong language is allowed in most cases, it is the context that will result in punishment.
IV. Nature Griefing
A. No killing animals away from your house.
B. Noob towers must be removed within 1 day of creation.
C. No leaving a half-cut natural tree away from your house.
V. Spam
A. Definition
1. Promoting a personal/unrelated webpage where traffic generates ad revenue.
2. Repeatedly entering a message into chat more than 5 times per hour or by administrator discretion.
3. Advertising, decided by administrator descretion.
4. Just being annoying, decided by administrator discretion.
VI. Rule enforcement/Banning
A. Administrators have the right to ban anyone at any time for any reason. A ban cannot last more than one week without agreement that the banned player has broken the rules.
1. Usually you won't get banned, the administrators are reasonable.
B. Administrators must give a reason for banning someone.
C. The rules can change without notice, but violation to revisions will usually only result in a warning.
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