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Created March 4, 2015 15:41
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MAKE FLAGS: g++ -std=gnu++0x ./bdf-cli-render.cpp
Name Tyler Beatty
Started 2015-03-02
Last modified 2015-03-04
Final Project
command line args: ./bdf-cli-render [<font> [string to render]]
if neither are given, the user will be prompted to enter the font (or go with the default).
if just a font is given, it will be in quiet mode where stdout will only have the rendered glyphs.
if both a font and a string are given, it will run in quiet mode and render only the given string, ignoring stdin.
the program will load a font in the Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF).
the given string will be rendered in the given font to the command line, such that each character contains two pixels.
Example output:
tyler@desktop ~/programming/bdf-cli-render
% ./bdf-cli-render
Enter font directory [default: fonts/Tewi.bdf]:
Enter string to render: Hello, world!
█ █ ▀█ ▀█ ▀█ █ █
█▄▄▄█ ▄▀▀▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▀▀▄ █ ▄ █ ▄▀▀▀▄ █▄▀▀▄ █ ▄▀▀▀█ █
█ █ █▀▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ ▄▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀
▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀█ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀
Enter string to render: █
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <new>
#include <bitset>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _WIN32
const char FULL_BLOCK[] = { (char)(unsigned char)219, '\0' } // double typecast to prevent g++ warnings
const char UPPER_HALF_BLOCK[] = { (char)(unsigned char)223, '\0' }
const char LOWER_HALF_BLOCK[] = { (char)(unsigned char)220, '\0' }
const char DEFAULT_FONT[] = "fonts\\Tewi.bdf";
const char FULL_BLOCK[] = "\u2588"; // unicode
const char UPPER_HALF_BLOCK[] = "\u2580";
const char LOWER_HALF_BLOCK[] = "\u2584";
const char DEFAULT_FONT[] = "/usr/share/fonts/misc/Tewi-normal-11.bdf"; // changed to full directory for ruukasu
const int TERMINAL_WIDTH = 80;
//const int CHAR_SIZE_X = 8; // I'd rather not use constants here but doing otherwise would mean major restructuring
//const int CHAR_SIZE_Y = 16;
class Character {
unsigned int* bitmap; // use a short array for the bitmap because a bitset's size must be known during compile
short dwidth;
short bbxWidth;
short bbxHeight;
short bbxOffsetX;
short bbxOffsetY;
short bitsPerRow;
class Font {
void InitBitmaps();
bool LoadCharacter(ifstream& fontFile);
short ReadBitmap(ifstream& fontFile, unsigned int* bitmap);
void DeleteBitmaps();
bool Load(ifstream &fontFile);
short bbxWidth;
short bbxHeight;
short bbxOffsetX;
short bbxOffsetY;
short ascent;
short descent;
short bitsPerRow; // of character's bitmap
Character chars[256];
// read up to '\n' or '\0', return false if ends with '\0', silently truncate to stringSize
bool GetLine(istream &inputStream, char outputString[], int stringSize)
char currentChar;
int stringIndex = 0;
while (currentChar != '\n' && currentChar != '\0' &&
(stringIndex + 1) < stringSize)
outputString[stringIndex] = currentChar;
outputString[stringIndex] = '\0';
return currentChar != '\0';
// read up to ' ', '\n', '\0', or stringSize; return the char that terminated the read
char GetWord(ifstream &fontFile, char string[], int stringSize)
char currentChar;
int stringIndex = 0;
while (currentChar != '\n' && currentChar != ' ' && currentChar != '\0' &&
(stringIndex + 1) < stringSize)
string[stringIndex] = currentChar;
string[stringIndex] = '\0';
return currentChar;
// move to the properties of a found string, return the pointer to the string found
char* MoveToNext(ifstream &fontFile, const char strings[5][32], int numStrings)
char currentWord[128];
char currentChar = '\n';
char* foundItem = nullptr;
if (currentChar != '\n')
fontFile.ignore(128, '\n'); // ignore characters until next line
currentChar = GetWord(fontFile, currentWord, 128);
if (currentChar == '\r')
currentChar = GetWord(fontFile, currentWord, 128); // handle DOS-style newlines
for ( int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++ )
if ( strcmp(strings[i], currentWord) == 0 )
foundItem = (char *)strings[i]; // the string it found
} while ( foundItem == nullptr && !fontFile.eof() );
return foundItem;
int CalcBitsPerRow(short bbxWidth)
return (bbxWidth + 7) & ~7; // adds 1 bit so that it will always round up, then truncates the last 3 binary digits to make it divisible by 8
void Font::InitBitmaps()
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
chars[i].bitmap = new unsigned int [bbxHeight];
void Font::DeleteBitmaps()
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
delete[] chars[i].bitmap;
// takes a list of 2-digit hex numbers and converts it to a bool matrix, returns the bits per row
short Font::ReadBitmap(ifstream &fontFile, unsigned int* bitmap)
char currentWord[128];
int i = 0;
int bitsPerRow = 0;
GetWord(fontFile, currentWord, 128);
while (strcmp(currentWord, "ENDCHAR"))
if (!i)
bitsPerRow = strlen(currentWord) * 4;
stringstream tmp; // temporary stringstream for converting hex to a number
tmp << hex << currentWord;
tmp >> bitmap[i]; // bitmap[i] now stores the bits of the bitmap's row as a number, so that when converted to binary, 0 is a pixel, 1 is no pixel
GetWord(fontFile, currentWord, 128);
return bitsPerRow;
bool Font::LoadCharacter(ifstream &fontFile)
const char bdfCharStrings[5][32] = {
short charEncoding;
bool endOfChar = false;
while ( !endOfChar )
char* foundItem;
foundItem = MoveToNext(fontFile, bdfCharStrings, 5);
if ( foundItem == nullptr )
cout << "ERROR: Invalid BDF file." << endl;
return false;
// convert pointer to index of pointer in bdfMetaStrings
int foundItemIndex = 0;
while ( foundItem != bdfCharStrings[foundItemIndex] )
if ( foundItemIndex >= 5 )
cout << "Internal error: bad pointer" << endl;
return false;
switch (foundItemIndex)
case 0: // ENCODING
fontFile >> charEncoding;
if ( charEncoding > 255 )
return false;
case 1: // DWIDTH
fontFile >> chars[charEncoding].dwidth;
case 2: // BBX
fontFile >> chars[charEncoding].bbxWidth;
fontFile >> chars[charEncoding].bbxHeight;
fontFile >> chars[charEncoding].bbxOffsetX;
fontFile >> chars[charEncoding].bbxOffsetY;
case 3: // BITMAP
chars[charEncoding].bitsPerRow = ReadBitmap(fontFile, chars[charEncoding].bitmap);
endOfChar = true;
case 4: // ENDCHAR
cout << "gotcha" << endl;
endOfChar = true;
return true;
// returns whether or not loading the font was successful
bool Font::Load(ifstream &fontFile)
const char bdfStartString[5][32] = {
"", "", "", ""
if ( MoveToNext(fontFile, bdfStartString, 1) == nullptr )
cout << "ERROR: Not a BDF file." << endl;
const char bdfStrings[5][32] = {
bool done = false;
while ( !done )
char* foundItem;
foundItem = MoveToNext(fontFile, bdfStrings, 5);
if ( foundItem == nullptr )
cout << "ERROR: Invalid BDF file." << endl;
return false;
// convert pointer to index of pointer in bdfMetaStrings
int foundItemIndex = 0;
while ( foundItem != bdfStrings[foundItemIndex] )
if ( foundItemIndex >= 5)
cout << "Internal error: bad pointer" << endl;
return false;
switch (foundItemIndex)
fontFile >> bbxWidth;
fontFile >> bbxHeight;
fontFile >> bbxOffsetX;
fontFile >> bbxOffsetY;
bitsPerRow = CalcBitsPerRow(bbxWidth);
case 1: // FONT_ASCENT
fontFile >> ascent;
case 2: // FONT_DESCENT
fontFile >> descent;
case 3: // STARTCHAR
if ( ! LoadCharacter(fontFile) )
done = true;
case 4:
done = true;
if (fontFile.eof())
done = true;
return true;
// places the character on the bitmap and returns true iff there's enough room
bool PutChar(Font myFont, char myChar, int& posX, bitset<TERMINAL_WIDTH>* bitmap, short bmpHeight)
Character myCharacter = myFont.chars[(unsigned char)myChar];
if (posX + myCharacter.dwidth >= TERMINAL_WIDTH)
return false;
// coordinates of top right corner of boundary box
int topRightX = posX + myCharacter.bbxOffsetX + myFont.bbxOffsetX + myCharacter.bitsPerRow + 2;
int topRightY = myFont.bbxOffsetY - myCharacter.bbxOffsetY - myCharacter.bbxHeight + myFont.bbxHeight;
for (int charbmpY = 0; charbmpY < myCharacter.bbxHeight; charbmpY++)
unsigned short charbmpRow = myCharacter.bitmap[charbmpY];
for (int charbmpX = 0; charbmpX < myFont.bitsPerRow; charbmpX++)
// cout << "charbmpX " << charbmpX << endl;
if ( charbmpRow % 2 )
//coordinates of the current pixel to be placed
int pxposX = topRightX - charbmpX;
int pxposY = charbmpY + topRightY;
if (pxposX >= 0 && pxposX < TERMINAL_WIDTH &&
pxposY >= 0 && pxposY < bmpHeight) // assert that the pixel being written is in bounds
bitmap[pxposY].set(pxposX, 1);
charbmpRow /= 2;
posX += myCharacter.dwidth;
return true;
// prints out the bool matrix
void PrintBitmap(bitset<TERMINAL_WIDTH>* bitmap, short bmpHeight)
for (int i = 0; i < bmpHeight; i += 2)
for (int j = 0; j < TERMINAL_WIDTH; j++)
if (bitmap[i][j] == 1)
if (bitmap[i+1][j] == 1)
cout << FULL_BLOCK;
if (bitmap[i+1][j] == 1)
cout << ' ';
if ( bitmap[i].none() && bitmap[i+1].none() )
break; // break from loop if the rest of the characters in the current line are spaces
cout << endl;
// clear the bitmap for the next line
void ClearBitmap(bitset<TERMINAL_WIDTH>* bitmap, short bmpHeight)
for (int i = 0; i < bmpHeight; i++)
// main function for printing out a string
void RenderString(Font myFont, bitset<TERMINAL_WIDTH>* bitmap, short bmpHeight, char const * stringToPrint, int& posX)
int i = 0;
while (stringToPrint[i] != '\0')
while ( !(PutChar(myFont, stringToPrint[i], posX, bitmap, bmpHeight)) ) // put the current character
PrintBitmap(bitmap, bmpHeight); // if there wasn't enough room start a new line
posX = 0;
PrintBitmap(bitmap, bmpHeight); // print out the current line
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) // input handling mostly
ifstream fontFile;
// open the font
if (argc > 1)
while ( !fontFile.is_open() )
cout << "Enter font directory [default: " << DEFAULT_FONT << "]: ";
char fontDir[256];
cin.getline(fontDir, 256);
if (fontDir[0] == '\0') // default;
Font myFont;
short bmpHeight = myFont.bbxHeight;
if ( bmpHeight % 2 )
bitset<TERMINAL_WIDTH> bitmap[bmpHeight]; // bitmap image to contain the current line of text
ClearBitmap(bitmap, bmpHeight);
int posX = 0;
char stringToPrint[512];
if (argc > 2)
strcpy(stringToPrint, argv[2]); // get string from args after the bdf file
for(int i = 3; i < argc; i++)
strcat(stringToPrint, " ");
strcat(stringToPrint, argv[i]);
if (argc == 1)
cout << "Enter string to render: ";
if (!GetLine(cin, stringToPrint, 512))
return 0;
RenderString(myFont, bitmap, bmpHeight, stringToPrint, posX);
while (argc <= 2) // if the string wasn't declared from command line args, accept input forever
if (argc == 1)
cout << "Enter string to render: ";
ClearBitmap(bitmap, bmpHeight);
posX = 0;
if (!GetLine(cin, stringToPrint, 512)) // can happen when being piped through stdin, for example "$ echo "Hello World" | ./bdf-cli-render ./Tewi.bdf"
return 0;
RenderString(myFont, bitmap, bmpHeight, stringToPrint, posX);
return 0;
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