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Created April 4, 2014 21:50
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// ----
// Sass (v3.3.4)
// Compass (v)
// ----
@import "compass";
$colors: (
a: #585555,
b: (
0: #585555
c: (
-2: #585555,
0: #585555,
2: #585555
d: 2,
e: (
0: #c82754,
2: "broken"
$colors-with-words: (
primary: #585555,
secondary: (
0: #585555
tertiary: (
-2: #585555,
0: #585555,
2: #585555
$color-functions: (
light: (
lighten: 5%,
tint: 5%
dark: (
darken: 5%,
shade: 5%
@function color($color, $variation: 0, $color-map: $colors, $smart-color: true){
@if type-of($color-map) != map{
@warn "#{$color-map} is not a sass data map";
$v: $variation; // @note { this is here to make the if statements below shorter an more readable. }
$color-set: map-get($color-map, $color);
$color-set-type: color_type-of($color-set);
$base-color: call("color_is-#{$color-set-type}", $color-set, 0); // @note { this is set to 0 instead of $variation beause that is the base identifier }
@if type-of($base-color) != color or $v == 0{
@return $base-color; // @note { if the type of $base-color isn't a color this will return a warning message and error message in the css }
$result: if($color-set-type == map, call(color_is-map, $color-set, $v), null); // @note { if there is a user defined variation it will return this variation }
$result: if($result == null, call(color-variation, $base-color, $v), $result); // @note { if there isn't a user defined variation then the dynamic color variation is created }
@if $smart-color == true{ // @note { only if smart color is true else this gets skipped }
@if $result == white or $result == black{
$result: call(color, $color, if($v < 0, $v + 1, $v - 1), $color-map, $smart-color);
@return if(type-of($result) != color, $result unquote("/* @errror { #{type-of($result)} isn't a color } */"), $result);
// color-variation
// @note { This gets called if the user didn't define a variation for that color set }
// ----------------------------------------
@function color-variation($base-color, $variation: 3, $functions: $color-functions){
$function-set: if($variation < 0, map-get($functions, light), map-get($functions, dark)); // @note { this determins wether or not to use the light or dark function set }
$length: length($function-set); // @note { length of the light or dark functions }
$color: null; // @note { placeholder for the new colors created by the color functions }
@for $i from $length through 1{
// @note {
// Reverse for loop so you can wrap the color functions correctly in reverse order.
// Where the last function in the map is the first function to get called.
// Example: (lighten: 5%, tint: 5%) ==> lighten(tint([base color], 5%), 5%);
// }
$function: nth(map-keys($function-set), $i); // @note { gets the color function name from $function-set }
$args: map-get($function-set, $function); // @note { gets the arguments for the function }
$color: call($function, if($i == $length, $base-color, $color), increment($variation, $args));
@return $color;
// increment
// @note { This function is used to increment the number by the abs($variation). }
// ----------------------------------------
@function increment($variation, $increment){
$options: (start: 0, increment: 5%); // @note { $options are the default options and will be used if not overwritten }
@if type-of($increment) != map{
$options: map-merge($options, (increment: $increment)); // @note { If the user doesn't passes $increment as a map it will create one for them and merge it with options }
@each $key, $value in $options{
@if map-has-key($increment, $key){
$options: map-merge($options, ($key: map-get($increment, $key)));
$result: map-get($options, start);
@for $i from 1 through abs($variation){
$result: $result + map-get($options, increment);
@if $result < 0{
@warn "The $result is less than 0. If you are using a negative an increment make sure the start value is 100%";
@return $result;
// color_type-of
// @note {if color_type-of($color-set) is not a color, string, or map it will be set to na which is not applicable. }
// ----------------------------------------
@function color_type-of($a){
$b: type-of($a);
@return if($b == color or $b == string or $b == map, $b, na);
// is-color
// ----------------------------------------
@function color_is-color($color-set, $variation){
@return $color-set;
// is-map
// ----------------------------------------
@function color_is-map($color-set, $variation){
$color: map-get($color-set, $variation); // @note { checks to see if the color variation exists in the user defined color map }
@return if($color != null, if(type-of($color) == string, call(color_is-string, $color, $variation), $color), call(color_is-color, $color, $variation));
// is-string
// ----------------------------------------
@function color_is-string($color-set, $variation){
$color: null;
@if type-of($color-set) == string{
$color: unquote($color-set);
@if $color == color{
$color: call(color_is-color, $result, $variation);
@warn "#{$color} isn't a color";
$color: quote($color) unquote("/* @error { this string isn't a color value } */");
@return $color;
// is not applicable
// ----------------------------------------
@function color_is-na($color-set, $variation){
@warn "#{$color-set} is not a color";
$message: if($variation == 0, "isn't a base color", "isn't a color");
@return inspect($color-set unquote("/* @error { a #{type-of($color-set)} #{$message} */"));
/* tests
/* single value - light, base, dark */
a-color-function: color(a, -2), color(a, 0), color(a, 2);
/* map value - should be the same colors as above */
b-color-function: color(b, -2), color(b, 0), color(b, 2);
/* predefined variations - expected #585555, #585555, #585555 */
c-color-function: color(c, -2), color(c, 0), color(c, 2);
/* single value - light, base, dark */
a-color-function: color(primary, -2, $colors-with-words), color(primary, 0, $colors-with-words), color(primary, 2, $colors-with-words);
/* map value - should be the same colors as above */
b-color-function: color(secondary, -2, $colors-with-words), color(secondary, 0, $colors-with-words), color(secondary, 2, $colors-with-words);
/* predefined variations - expected #585555, #585555, #585555 */
c-color-function: color(tertiary, -2, $colors-with-words), color(tertiary, 0, $colors-with-words), color(tertiary, 2, $colors-with-words);
/* expected values - #eaeaea, #585555, #010101 */
smart-color_true: color(a, -20), color(a, 0), color(a, 20);
/* expected values - white, #585555, black */
smart-color_false: color(a, -20, $smart-color: false), color(a, 0, $smart-color: false), color(a, 20, $smart-color: false);
/* single value that isn't a color - expecting a error message */
d-color-function: color(d, -2), color(d, 0), color(d, 2);
/* predefined variation that isn't a color - expecting 2 colors and a error message */
e-color-function: color(e, -2), color(e, 0), color(e, 2);
styles for presentation purposes only
body{ color: color(a, 0); font: 16px/1.45em Arial; }
@mixin color-list($color, $total-variations, $recursive: true, $sc: true){
$v: if($recursive == true, -$total-variations, $total-variations);
@extend %color-list;
@for $i from if($v < 0, $v, 0) through if($v < 0, -1, $v){
background: color($color, $i, $smart-color: $sc);
&:before{ content: "#{$color}: " + $i; }
&:after{ content: "#{color($color, $i, $smart-color: $sc)}"; }
@if $v < 0{
@include color-list($color, $total-variations, false, $sc);
@include color-list(a, 8);
@include color-list(e, 8);
$_color-list-size: 100px;
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
content: "";
clear: both;
display: table;
display: block;
height: $_color-list-size;
float: left;
margin: 20px 10px 15px;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
@include transition(all .25s ease-in-out);
width: $_color-list-size;
@include transform(scale(1.27));
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #fff;
&:before, &:after{
font-size: 12px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
line-height: 1em;
margin-left: -($_color-list-size / 2);
text-align: center;
top: -2em;
width: $_color-list-size;
color: #fff;
margin-top: -.5em;
top: 50%;
text-shadow: 0 0 .5em rgba(#000, .5);
/* tests
.color-function-test-with-letters {
/* single value - light, base, dark */
a-color-function: #827f7f, #585555, #353333;
/* map value - should be the same colors as above */
b-color-function: #827f7f, #585555, #353333;
/* predefined variations - expected #585555, #585555, #585555 */
c-color-function: #585555, #585555, #585555;
.color-function-test-with-words {
/* single value - light, base, dark */
a-color-function: #827f7f, #585555, #353333;
/* map value - should be the same colors as above */
b-color-function: #827f7f, #585555, #353333;
/* predefined variations - expected #585555, #585555, #585555 */
c-color-function: #585555, #585555, #585555;
.color-function-smart-color-test {
/* expected values - #eaeaea, #585555, #010101 */
smart-color_true: #eaeaea, #585555, #010101;
/* expected values - white, #585555, black */
smart-color_false: white, #585555, black;
.color-function-tests-with-expected-errors {
/* single value that isn't a color - expecting a error message */
d-color-function: 2 /* @error { a number isn't a base color */, 2 /* @error { a number isn't a base color */, 2 /* @error { a number isn't a base color */;
/* predefined variation that isn't a color - expecting 2 colors and a error message */
e-color-function: #d76585, #c82754, "broken" /* @error { this string isn't a color value } */ /* @errror { list isn't a color } */;
styles for presentation purposes only
body {
color: #585555;
font: 16px/1.45em Arial;
.a-8 {
background: #eaeaea;
.a-8:before {
content: "a: -8";
.a-8:after {
content: "#eaeaea";
.a-7 {
background: #eaeaea;
.a-7:before {
content: "a: -7";
.a-7:after {
content: "#eaeaea";
.a-6 {
background: #d6d5d5;
.a-6:before {
content: "a: -6";
.a-6:after {
content: "#d6d5d5";
.a-5 {
background: #c0bfbf;
.a-5:before {
content: "a: -5";
.a-5:after {
content: "#c0bfbf";
.a-4 {
background: #acaaaa;
.a-4:before {
content: "a: -4";
.a-4:after {
content: "#acaaaa";
.a-3 {
background: #979494;
.a-3:before {
content: "a: -3";
.a-3:after {
content: "#979494";
.a-2 {
background: #827f7f;
.a-2:before {
content: "a: -2";
.a-2:after {
content: "#827f7f";
.a-1 {
background: #6d6a6a;
.a-1:before {
content: "a: -1";
.a-1:after {
content: "#6d6a6a";
.a0 {
background: #585555;
.a0:before {
content: "a: 0";
.a0:after {
content: "#585555";
.a1 {
background: #464343;
.a1:before {
content: "a: 1";
.a1:after {
content: "#464343";
.a2 {
background: #353333;
.a2:before {
content: "a: 2";
.a2:after {
content: "#353333";
.a3 {
background: #232222;
.a3:before {
content: "a: 3";
.a3:after {
content: "#232222";
.a4 {
background: #121212;
.a4:before {
content: "a: 4";
.a4:after {
content: "#121212";
.a5 {
background: #010101;
.a5:before {
content: "a: 5";
.a5:after {
content: "#010101";
.a6 {
background: #010101;
.a6:before {
content: "a: 6";
.a6:after {
content: "#010101";
.a7 {
background: #010101;
.a7:before {
content: "a: 7";
.a7:after {
content: "#010101";
.a8 {
background: #010101;
.a8:before {
content: "a: 8";
.a8:after {
content: "#010101";
.b-8 {
background: #f7e1e7;
.b-8:before {
content: "e: -8";
.b-8:after {
content: "#f7e1e7";
.b-7 {
background: #f7e1e7;
.b-7:before {
content: "e: -7";
.b-7:after {
content: "#f7e1e7";
.b-6 {
background: #f7e1e7;
.b-6:before {
content: "e: -6";
.b-6:after {
content: "#f7e1e7";
.b-5 {
background: #efc2cf;
.b-5:before {
content: "e: -5";
.b-5:after {
content: "#efc2cf";
.b-4 {
background: #e8a3b6;
.b-4:before {
content: "e: -4";
.b-4:after {
content: "#e8a3b6";
.b-3 {
background: #e0849d;
.b-3:before {
content: "e: -3";
.b-3:after {
content: "#e0849d";
.b-2 {
background: #d76585;
.b-2:before {
content: "e: -2";
.b-2:after {
content: "#d76585";
.b-1 {
background: #d1436b;
.b-1:before {
content: "e: -1";
.b-1:after {
content: "#d1436b";
.b0 {
background: #c82754;
.b0:before {
content: "e: 0";
.b0:after {
content: "#c82754";
.b1 {
background: #a92146;
.b1:before {
content: "e: 1";
.b1:after {
content: "#a92146";
.b2 {
background: "broken" /* @error { this string isn't a color value } */ /* @errror { list isn't a color } */;
.b2:before {
content: "e: 2";
.b2:after {
content: "\"broken\" /* @error { this string isn't a color value } */ /* @errror { list isn't a color } */";
.b3 {
background: #6a152c;
.b3:before {
content: "e: 3";
.b3:after {
content: "#6a152c";
.b4 {
background: #4b0e1f;
.b4:before {
content: "e: 4";
.b4:after {
content: "#4b0e1f";
.b5 {
background: #2b0812;
.b5:before {
content: "e: 5";
.b5:after {
content: "#2b0812";
.b6 {
background: #0c0205;
.b6:before {
content: "e: 6";
.b6:after {
content: "#0c0205";
.b7 {
background: #0c0205;
.b7:before {
content: "e: 7";
.b7:after {
content: "#0c0205";
.b8 {
background: #0c0205;
.b8:before {
content: "e: 8";
.b8:after {
content: "#0c0205";
.a, .b {
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
.a:after, .b:after {
content: "";
clear: both;
display: table;
.a li, .b li {
display: block;
height: 100px;
float: left;
margin: 20px 10px 15px;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
-moz-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out;
width: 100px;
.a li:hover, .b li:hover {
-moz-transform: scale(1.27);
-ms-transform: scale(1.27);
-webkit-transform: scale(1.27);
transform: scale(1.27);
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #fff;
.a li:before, .b li:before, .a li:after, .b li:after {
font-size: 12px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
line-height: 1em;
margin-left: -50px;
text-align: center;
top: -2em;
width: 100px;
.a li:after, .b li:after {
color: #fff;
margin-top: -.5em;
top: 50%;
text-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
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