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Created March 30, 2017 18:05
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Do some pasting things easily?
" Test text
" hello world
" some text
" here's more text
" 1
" 2
" 3
" location:
" if it's a number, it will go to that column and paste
" i.e. use line_paste(col('.'),'*') to paste what is in your * register
" in the same column
" if it's a string, it will perform that movement, and then paste
" i.e. use line_paste('$', '*') to paste what is in your * register at
" the end of line for each line
function! uneven_paste#line_paste(location, reg_name) abort
if type(a:location) == v:t_string
let l:movement = v:true
let l:movement = v:false
for l:item in split(getreg(a:reg_name))
if l:movement
call execute('normal! ' . a:location)
call execute('normal! ' . a:location . '|')
call execute('normal! a' . l:item)
call execute('normal! j')
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