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Created February 3, 2015 21:27
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Basic server monitoring in Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# Name: Server Monitor
# Description: Performs healthcheck on a server, and notifies by e-mail if issue ocurrs.
# Version: 0.1
# Load modules for HTTP(S) and TCP connections, and I/O arguments.
from os import system
from urllib2 import urlopen
from socket import socket
from sys import argv
from time import asctime
# Help menu.
def usage():
print('%s <test-type> <server-info> <email-address>\n' % (argv[0]))
print('\ttest-type \ttcp or http')
print('\tserver-info \thostname:port for tcp')
print('\t \thttp://hostname/page for http')
print('\temail-address\tusername or\n')
# Establish a TCP connection to hostname:port, and report if attempt was successfull.
def tcp_test(server_info):
cpos = server_info.find(':')
if cpos < 1 or cpos == len(server_info) - 1:
print('You need to give server info as hostname:port.')
return True
sock = socket()
sock.connect((server_info[:cpos], int(server_info[cpos+1:])))
return True
return False
# Establish a HTTP(S) request to a server, and report if attempt was successfull.
def http_test(server_info):
data = urlopen(server_info).read()
return True
return False
# Parse arguments passed from the script, and determine which test was requested.
def server_test(test_type, server_info):
if test_type.lower() == 'tcp':
return tcp_test(server_info)
elif test_type.lower() == 'http':
return http_test(server_info)
print('Invalid test-type given, please use either tcp or http.')
return True
# Create e-mail message, and send notification.
def send_error(test_type, server_info, email_address):
subject = '%s: %s %s is down' % (asctime(), test_type.upper(), server_info)
message = 'Server Monitor: Performed a health-check running a %s test against %s. The server is down.' % (test_type.upper(), server_info)
system('echo "%s" | mail -s "%s" %s' % (message, subject, email_address))
# Main method - Invoke script and parse arguments.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) != 4:
print('Wrong number of arguments.')
elif not server_test(argv[1], argv[2]):
send_error(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3])
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