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Created February 17, 2017 11:35
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import UIKit
// Naive implementation of a piping operator.
func stringToInt(_ str: String) -> Int {
return Int(str)! //force unwrap for demonstration purposes
func intToFloat(_ int: Int) -> Float {
return Float(int)
// Original way, but can be cumbersome to read with nesting multiple functions.
// Introducing combine function to make one function out of two.
func combine<T, U, V>(_ lhs: @escaping ((T) -> U), _ rhs: @escaping ((U) -> V)) -> (T) -> V {
return { t in
return rhs(lhs(t))
let stringToFloat = combine(stringToInt, intToFloat)
// String to float is now a single function. But still not super readable when combining multiple functions.
// Combine function but as an infix operator, goal is to increase readability of use (if custom operators are agreed upon with coworkers)
// Elixir-like piping operator <3
infix operator |> : AdditionPrecedence
func |><T, U, V>(_ lhs: @escaping ((T) -> U), _ rhs: @escaping ((U) -> V)) -> (T) -> V {
return { t in
return rhs(lhs(t))
func doubleFloat(_ float: Float) -> Float {
return float * 2
// Now we can pipe functions.
let stringToTwiceDoubledFloat =
|> intToFloat
|> doubleFloat
|> doubleFloat
stringToTwiceDoubledFloat("2000") // 8000
// TODO: optional handling and multiple parameter handling.
// Now we can pipe multiple functions, e.g.
|> toJSON
|> toModel
|> toCollection
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