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Created September 23, 2010 18:05
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# EC2 / Chef command cheat sheet
# Uses cookbooks and templates from:
# Fire up a new instance on EC2
# - Super-fast large instance
# - Uses a template that uses RVM/REE for the system ruby (optional)
knife ec2 server create "role[hydra]" --image ami-4234de2b --ssh-user ubuntu --flavor c1.xlarge --availability-zone us-east-1c --ssh-key chef --template-file bootstrap/ubuntu10.04-rvm-ree.erb
# Bootstrap an existing EC2 instance
# This should happen automatically when doing a 'knife ec2 server create', but I found that
# it often timed out. This appears to be a known issue. Future versions of chef will wait
# 30s instead of 10s before attempting to connect
knife bootstrap -r "role[hydra]" --ssh-user ubuntu -t bootstrap/ubuntu10.04-rvm-ree.erb --sudo
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