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Last active May 4, 2020 02:01
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int _DoEncryption(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {
var_12 = arg2;
ebx = arg0;
ecx = arg1;
if (((ecx != 0x0 ? 0x1 : 0x0) & (ebx != 0x0 ? 0x1 : 0x0)) != 0x0) {
esi = 0x0;
edi = ecx >> 0x2;
var_E = ecx - edi * 0x4;
ecx = var_12;
while (esi != edi) {
esi = esi + 0x1;
edx = ecx >> 0x18 | ecx >> 0x8 & 0xff00 | (ecx & 0xff00) << 0x8 | ecx << 0x18;
ecx = ecx - 0x21524111 ^ 0xdeadbeef;
*ebx = *ebx ^ edx;
ebx = ebx + 0x4;
eax = ebx;
edx = ecx >> 0x18 | ecx >> 0x8 & 0xff00 | (ecx & 0xff00) << 0x8 | ecx << 0x18;
ecx = 0x0;
edx = edx ^ *ebx;
ebx = -(var_E & 0xffff);
do {
eax = eax + 0x1;
if (ecx == ebx) {
*(int8_t *)(eax - 0x1) = edx;
ecx = ecx - 0x1;
edx = edx >> 0x8;
} while (true);
return 0x0;
int _LoadPilotData(int arg0) {
var_4 = arg0;
eax = *dword_deeb8;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
*eax = 0x0;
*ebx = 0x0;
eax = FSResolveAliasFile(var_4, 0x1, &var_19, &var_1A);
if ((eax != 0x0) || (var_19 != 0x0)) goto loc_7649d;
eax = _EVOpenResourceFile(var_4, 0x3);
*(int16_t *)*dword_deecc = eax;
eax = eax + 0x1;
if (eax == 0x0) goto loc_7649d;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
_crashlog("load pilot data 1");
eax = GetResource(0x4e70954c, 0x80);
*ebx = eax;
if (eax == 0x0) goto loc_75bbf;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
var_484 = GetHandleSize(*ebx);
eax = *ebx;
eax = *eax;
eax = _DoEncryption(eax, var_484, 0xb36a210f);
var_448 = 0x0;
if (eax != 0x0) goto loc_75bc7;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
eax = *ebx;
_FlipNpil(0x80, **ebx);
_crashlog("load pilot data 2");
eax = *ebx;
ecx = *0x3b5138;
edx = *(int16_t *)*eax & 0xffff;
var_458 = ecx;
*(int16_t *)(*ecx + 0x92) = edx;
if (edx == 0xffff) goto loc_7521c;
var_448 = 0x0;
goto loc_7525b;
ecx = sign_extend_32(edx);
edi = ecx * 0x498;
*(int16_t *)(*var_458 + 0x74) = *(int16_t *)(edi + **0x3b5010 + 0x14) & 0xffff;
ebx = *var_458;
eax = *(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x74) & 0xffff;
if (eax <= 0x7ff) goto loc_752af;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x74) = _FindSystemFromStellar(ecx);
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
goto loc_752ce;
if (*(int16_t *)(*var_458 + 0x74) <= 0x800) goto loc_7531f;
_crashlog("warning: pilot file system ID out of range");
edx = 0x0;
*(int16_t *)(*var_458 + 0x74) = 0x0;
eax = *0x3b5180;
eax = *eax;
goto loc_75301;
if (*(int8_t *)(eax + 0x1ed) != 0x0) goto loc_752a2;
edx = edx + 0x1;
eax = eax + 0x1fc;
if (edx != 0x800) goto loc_75301;
var_448 = 0x1;
goto loc_7531f;
ecx = *0x3b5010;
esi = *0x3b5138;
eax = *ecx;
edx = *esi;
xmm0 = intrinsic_cvtsi2ss(xmm0, sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(edi + eax + 0x4)));
*(edx + 0x18) = intrinsic_movss(*(edx + 0x18), xmm0);
eax = *ecx;
edx = *esi;
xmm0 = intrinsic_cvtsi2ss(xmm0, sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(edi + eax + 0x6)));
*(edx + 0x1c) = intrinsic_movss(*(edx + 0x1c), xmm0);
ebx = *esi;
eax = _Rand(0x168);
edx = *0x3b5180;
xmm0 = intrinsic_cvtsi2ss(xmm0, sign_extend_16(eax));
*(ebx + 0x44) = intrinsic_movss(*(ebx + 0x44), xmm0);
ecx = *esi;
edx = *edx;
ebx = *0x3b51b8;
*(int16_t *)ebx = *(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x74)) * 0x1fc + edx) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x2) = *(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x74)) * 0x1fc + edx + 0x2) & 0xffff;
eax = **dword_dee7c;
ebx = *0x3b5098;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x76) = *(int16_t *)(*eax + 0x2) & 0xffff;
var_458 = esi;
if (*(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(*esi + 0x76)) * 0xabc + *ebx + 0xa) != 0xd8f1) goto loc_75436;
esi = *0x3b5138;
ebx = *0x3b5098;
_crashlog("warning: pilot file ship class out of range");
edx = 0x0;
*(int16_t *)(*esi + 0x76) = 0x0;
eax = *ebx;
goto loc_753f2;
if (*(int16_t *)(eax + 0xa) != 0xd8f1) goto loc_7541d;
edx = edx + 0x1;
eax = eax + 0xabc;
if (edx != 0x300) goto loc_753f2;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
goto loc_75436;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
*(int16_t *)(*var_458 + ecx * 0x2 + 0x7a) = *(int16_t *)(***dword_dee7c + ecx * 0x2 + 0x4) & 0xffff;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
} while (ecx != 0x6);
esi = *0x3b51a8;
ebx = 0x0;
edi = 0x0;
do {
eax = **dword_dee7c;
eax = *eax;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + ebx * 0x2 + 0x101a) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)esi = eax;
if (eax > 0x0) {
if (*(int16_t *)(edi + **0x3b5194) == 0x7fff) {
_crashlog_print("warning: pilot file has invalid outfit item ID ");
_crashlog_print_num(ebx + 0x80);
*(int16_t *)esi = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
esi = esi + 0x2;
edi = edi + 0x37c;
} while (ebx != 0x200);
ebx = *0x3b5138;
esi = *ebx;
asm { fstp dword [esi+0x54] };
esi = *ebx;
ecx = *dword_dee7c;
asm { fstp dword [esi+0x58] };
eax = *ecx;
edx = *ebx;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
ecx = *0x3b5154;
*(edx + 0x38) = intrinsic_movss(*(edx + 0x38), intrinsic_cvtsi2ss(xmm0, sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(*eax + 0x12))));
edx = *ebx;
ebx = 0x0;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x2) = *(int16_t *)(*edx + 0x14) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x4) = *(int16_t *)(*edx + 0x16) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)ecx = *(int16_t *)(*edx + 0x18) & 0xffff;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
esi = *0x3b5180;
edi = *dword_dee7c;
edx = *esi;
eax = *edi;
eax = *eax;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + ecx * 0x2 + 0x1a) & 0xffff;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + edx + 0x90) = eax;
ebx = ebx + 0x1fc;
} while (ecx != 0x800);
edi = *dword_dee7c;
ecx = *0x3b5134;
edx = 0x0;
ebx = *edi;
do {
eax = *ebx;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + edx * 0x2 + 0x141a) & 0xffff;
edx = edx + 0x1;
*(int16_t *)ecx = eax;
ecx = ecx + 0x2;
} while (edx != 0x800);
edi = 0x80;
var_42C = 0x0;
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
do {
ebx = edi - 0x80;
esi = ebx * 0xc8;
edx = esi + *var_458;
ecx = *dword_dee7c;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0xc8) = *(int16_t *)(**ecx + ebx * 0x2 + 0x241a) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(0xd0 + esi + *var_458) = *(int16_t *)(**ecx + ebx * 0x2 + 0x261a) & 0xffff;
if ((*(int16_t *)(0xc8 + esi + *var_458) > 0x0) && (*(int16_t *)(var_42C + **0x3b517c + 0x6) == 0xd8f1)) {
_crashlog_print("warning: pilot file has invalid weapon ID ");
edx = *0x3b5138;
*(int16_t *)(0xc8 + esi + *var_458) = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_458 = edx;
ebx = ebx * 0xc8;
if (*(int16_t *)(0xd0 + ebx + *var_458) > 0x0) {
if (*(int16_t *)(var_42C + **0x3b517c + 0x6) == 0xd8f1) {
_crashlog_print("warning: pilot file has invalid weapon ammo ID ");
edx = *0x3b5138;
*(int16_t *)(0xd0 + ebx + *var_458) = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_458 = edx;
edi = edi + 0x1;
var_42C = var_42C + 0xc8;
} while (edi != 0x180);
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
edi = 0x0;
esi = 0x0;
*(*var_458 + 0xa0) = *(**ebx + 0x281a);
**0x3b512c = *(**ebx + 0xe9ae);
_crashlog("load pilot data 3");
var_44C = ebx;
var_430 = 0x0;
var_450 = &var_220;
var_460 = 0x0;
var_464 = 0x0;
do {
edx = *0x3b50f0;
eax = *var_44C;
ecx = *edx;
eax = *eax;
*(edi + ecx) = *(eax + var_464 + 0x281e);
*(edi + ecx + 0x4) = *(eax + var_464 + 0x2822);
*(edi + ecx + 0x8) = *(eax + var_464 + 0x2826);
*(edi + ecx + 0xc) = *(eax + var_464 + 0x282a);
*(edi + ecx + 0x10) = *(eax + var_464 + 0x282e);
memcpy(esi + **0x3b50f4, 0x295e + **var_44C + var_460, 0x8ec);
edx = edi + **0x3b50f0;
if (*(int8_t *)edx != 0x0) {
_SetMissionDeadline(edx + 0x6, sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(esi + **0x3b50f4 + 0x48)));
ebx = *0x3b50f4;
*(int8_t *)(esi + *ebx + 0x70) = 0x0;
*(int8_t *)(esi + *ebx + 0xb0) = 0x0;
eax = esi + *ebx;
edx = *(int16_t *)(eax + 0x4a) & 0xffff;
if (edx > 0x7f) {
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + 0x4c) & 0xffff;
if (eax > 0x0) {
ebx = *0x3b50f4;
strncpy(0x70 + esi + *ebx, var_450, 0x3f);
eax = esi + **0x3b50f4;
edx = *(int16_t *)(eax + 0x52) & 0xffff;
if (edx > 0x7f) {
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + 0x54) & 0xffff;
if (eax > 0x0) {
var_45C = *0x3b50f4;
strncpy(0xb0 + esi + *var_45C, var_450, 0x3f);
ecx = *0x3b50f4;
eax = *ecx;
edx = esi + eax;
if ((*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x58) & 0x10) != 0x0) {
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x6e) = *(int16_t *)(edx + 0x64) & 0xffff;
eax = *ecx;
var_45C = *0x3b50f4;
*(int16_t *)(0x6c + esi + eax) = _Rand(0x46) + 0x46;
*(int16_t *)(esi + *var_45C + 0x6a) = 0x0;
var_430 = var_430 + 0x1;
edi = edi + 0x14;
var_464 = var_464 + 0x14;
esi = esi + 0x8ec;
var_460 = var_460 + 0x8ec;
} while (var_430 != 0x10);
ecx = 0x0;
do {
*(int8_t *)(ecx + **0x3b5220) = *(int8_t *)(ecx + ***dword_dee7c + 0xb81e) & 0xff;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
} while (ecx != 0x2710);
ecx = 0x0;
ebx = 0x0;
do {
edx = ebx + **0x3b5010;
if (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x45) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x46) = *(int8_t *)(ecx + ***dword_dee7c + 0xdf2e) & 0xff;
else {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x46) = 0x0;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
ebx = ebx + 0x498;
} while (ecx != 0x800);
esi = 0x0;
do {
ecx = *(int16_t *)(***dword_dee7c + esi * 0x2 + 0xe72e) & 0xffff;
if (ecx >= 0x0) {
ecx = sign_extend_32(ecx - ((SAR(ecx + (sign_extend_32(ecx) * 0xffff8313 >> 0x10), 0x9)) - (SAR(ecx, 0xf))) * 0x3e8);
if (*(int16_t *)(ecx * 0xabc + **0x3b5098 + 0xa) == 0xd8f1) {
_crashlog("warning: pilot file has invalid escort ship type");
var_448 = 0x1;
else {
eax = _SpawnEscort(ecx, 0xffffffff);
edx = eax;
if (eax != 0xffff) {
if (*(int16_t *)(***dword_dee7c + esi * 0x2 + 0xe72e) <= 0x3e7) {
ebx = *0x3b5138;
ecx = sign_extend_32(edx);
edx = ecx * 0xc940;
var_458 = ebx;
eax = *ebx;
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
*(int8_t *)(edx + eax + 0xbb) = 0x0;
if (*(int16_t *)(**ebx + esi * 0x2 + 0xe8ae) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(edx + *var_458 + 0xbe) = 0x1;
else {
eax = *0x3b5138;
ecx = sign_extend_32(edx);
var_458 = eax;
*(int8_t *)(ecx * 0xc940 + *eax + 0xbb) = 0x1;
if (*(int16_t *)(***dword_dee7c + esi * 0x2 + 0xe82e) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(ecx * 0xc940 + *var_458 + 0xbf) = 0x1;
eax = **dword_dee7c;
eax = *eax;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + esi * 0x2 + 0xe7ae) & 0xffff;
if (eax <= 0x2ff) {
ecx = sign_extend_32(eax);
if (*(int16_t *)(ecx * 0xabc + **0x3b5098 + 0xa) == 0xd8f1) {
_crashlog("warning: pilot file has invalid fighter ship type");
var_448 = 0x1;
else {
eax = _SpawnEscort(ecx, 0xffffffff);
if (eax != 0xffff) {
ecx = *0x3b5138;
ebx = sign_extend_16(eax) * 0xc940;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + *ecx + 0x88) = 0x5;
*(int8_t *)(ebx + *ecx + 0xbb) = 0x0;
_AISetup(ebx + *ecx);
edx = *(int16_t *)(***dword_dee7c + esi * 0x2 + 0xe92e) & 0xffff;
if (edx != 0xffff) {
*(int16_t *)(ebx + **0x3b5138 + 0xc922) = edx;
esi = esi + 0x1;
} while (esi != 0x40);
ebx = *dword_dee7c;
_crashlog("load pilot data 4");
goto loc_75bc7;
_crashlog("load pilot data 5");
eax = GetResource(0x4e70954c, 0x81);
**dword_deeb8 = eax;
if (eax == 0x0) goto loc_7622d;
ebx = *dword_deeb8;
if (_DoEncryption(**ebx, GetHandleSize(*ebx), 0xb36a210f) != 0x0) goto loc_76205;
ebx = *dword_deeb8;
eax = *ebx;
_FlipNpil(0x81, **ebx);
_crashlog("load pilot data 6");
eax = *ebx;
ecx = *eax;
edx = *(int16_t *)ecx & 0xffff;
if (edx != 0x6b) goto loc_75c99;
CloseResFile(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)*dword_deecc));
eax = 0xffffffd3;
return eax;
if (edx > 0x12b) goto loc_75ccc;
CloseResFile(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)*dword_deecc));
eax = 0xffffffd6;
return eax;
if (*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x2) == 0x1) {
*(int8_t *)*0x3b5158 = 0x1;
else {
*(int8_t *)*0x3b5158 = 0x0;
esi = *dword_deeb8;
var_454 = esi;
if (*(int16_t *)(**esi + 0x4) == 0x1) {
*(int16_t *)*0x3b5224 = 0x1;
else {
*(int16_t *)*0x3b5224 = 0x0;
ebx = 0x0;
strncpy(*0x3b5290, **var_454 + 0x5d98, 0x40);
eax = *var_454;
ecx = *0x3b5084;
edx = *eax;
*ecx = *(edx + 0x5dd8);
*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x4) = *(int16_t *)(edx + 0x5ddc) & 0xffff;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
edx = ecx + **0x3b5010;
if ((*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x45) != 0x0) && (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x46) == 0x0)) {
var_454 = *dword_deeb8;
esi = *0x3b5010;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x466) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x6) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + *esi + 0x2a) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x2086) & 0xffff;
else {
esi = *0x3b5010;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x466) = 0x0;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + *esi + 0x2a) = 0x0;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
ecx = ecx + 0x498;
} while (ebx != 0x800);
ebx = 0x0;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
edx = ecx + **0x3b50bc;
if (*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x4) > 0x0) {
if (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x623) != 0x0) {
edi = *dword_deeb8;
if (*(int16_t *)(**edi + ebx * 0x2 + 0x1006) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x620) = 0x1;
if (*(int16_t *)(**edi + ebx * 0x2 + 0x1806) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(ecx + **0x3b50bc + 0x621) = 0x1;
else {
*(int8_t *)(ecx + **0x3b50bc + 0x621) = 0x0;
else {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x620) = 0x0;
*(int8_t *)(ecx + **0x3b50bc + 0x621) = 0x0;
else {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x620) = 0x0;
*(int8_t *)(ecx + **0x3b50bc + 0x621) = 0x0;
else {
*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x620) = 0x0;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
ecx = ecx + 0x794;
} while (ebx != 0x400);
ebx = 0x0;
esi = 0x0;
do {
if (*(int16_t *)(***dword_deeb8 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x5dde) == 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)(esi + **0x3b5090) = 0x0;
else {
eax = esi + **0x3b5090;
if (*(int8_t *)(eax + 0x1) != 0x0) {
*(int8_t *)eax = 0x1;
else {
edi = *0x3b5090;
_crashlog("warning: pilot file contains invalid rank");
*(int8_t *)(*edi + esi) = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
esi = esi + 0x120;
} while (ebx != 0x80);
ebx = ebx & 0xffffff00;
_crashlog("load pilot data 7");
ecx = *dword_deeb8;
var_454 = ecx;
eax = *ecx;
ecx = 0x0;
*(int8_t *)*0x3b5260 = *(int8_t *)(*eax + 0x3086) & 0xff;
*(int16_t *)*0x3b5430 = 0xffff;
do {
edx = ecx + **0x3b52ec;
if (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x20e) != 0x0) {
esi = *0x3b52ec;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0xc) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x3088) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(ecx + *esi + 0x2) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x3288) & 0xffff;
else {
esi = *0x3b52ec;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0xc) = 0x0;
*(int16_t *)(*esi + ecx + 0x2) = 0xffff;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
ecx = ecx + 0x210;
} while (ebx != 0x100);
esi = 0x0;
ebx = 0x0;
do {
edi = *0x3b50cc;
*(int16_t *)(*edi + ebx + 0x22) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + esi * 0x2 + 0x3488) & 0xffff;
eax = ebx + *edi;
if ((*(int16_t *)(eax + 0x22) > 0x0) && (*(int16_t *)(eax + 0x20) < 0x0)) {
edi = *0x3b50cc;
_crashlog("warning: pilot file contains invalid junk type");
*(int16_t *)(*edi + ebx + 0x22) = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_454 = *dword_deeb8;
esi = esi + 0x1;
ebx = ebx + 0x526;
} while (esi != 0x80);
ebx = 0x0;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
edx = ecx + **0x3b5024;
if (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x1) != 0x0) {
esi = *0x3b5024;
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x26) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x3590) & 0xffff;
*(int16_t *)(*esi + ecx + 0x28) = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x3990) & 0xffff;
eax = ecx + *esi;
if ((*(int16_t *)(eax + 0x26) < 0x0) && (*(int16_t *)(eax + 0x28) < 0x0)) {
*(int8_t *)eax = 0x0;
else {
*(int8_t *)eax = 0x1;
else {
*(int8_t *)edx = 0x0;
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
ecx = ecx + 0x350;
} while (ebx != 0x200);
ecx = 0x0;
ebx = 0x0;
do {
edx = **0x3b5180;
eax = *var_454;
eax = *eax;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + ecx * 0x2 + 0x3d90) & 0xffff;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
*(int16_t *)(edx + ebx + 0xc4) = eax;
ebx = ebx + 0x1fc;
} while (ecx != 0x800);
ebx = 0x0;
ecx = 0x0;
do {
edx = *(int16_t *)(**var_454 + ebx * 0x2 + 0x4d90) & 0xffff;
if (edx > 0x0) {
esi = *0x3b5010;
*(int16_t *)(*esi + ecx + 0x47c) = edx;
*(*esi + ecx + 0x3c) = 0xffffffff;
else {
esi = *0x3b5010;
*(int16_t *)(*esi + ecx + 0x47c) = 0xffff;
edx = ecx + *esi;
*(edx + 0x3c) = *(edx + 0x40);
ebx = ebx + 0x1;
ecx = ecx + 0x498;
} while (ebx != 0x800);
ecx = 0x0;
edi = *0x3b5394;
ebx = *var_454;
edx = edi;
do {
*(int16_t *)edx = 0xffff;
eax = *ebx;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + ecx * 0x2 + 0x5d90) & 0xffff;
if (eax >= 0x0) {
*(int16_t *)edx = eax;
ecx = ecx + 0x1;
edx = edx + 0x2;
} while (ecx != 0x4);
ebx = 0xc940;
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
do {
ecx = ebx + *var_458;
if ((*(int8_t *)(ecx + 0xb8) != 0x0) && (*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x9a) == 0x0)) {
*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0xc90a) = *(int16_t *)(*0x3b5394 + sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(ecx + 0x76)) * 0xabc + **0x3b5098 + 0xe)) * 0x2) & 0xffff;
ebx = ebx + 0xc940;
} while (ebx != 0x325000);
edx = 0x0;
ebx = *0x3b5370;
ecx = *0x3b53ac;
esi = *var_454;
do {
*(int16_t *)ebx = *(int16_t *)(*esi + edx * 0x2 + 0x3588) & 0xffff;
eax = *esi;
ebx = ebx + 0x2;
eax = *(int16_t *)(eax + edx * 0x2 + 0x358c) & 0xffff;
edx = edx + 0x1;
*(int16_t *)ecx = eax;
ecx = ecx + 0x2;
} while (edx != 0x2);
esi = *0x3b5184;
strncpy(esi, **var_454 + 0x5ede, 0xf);
ebx = *0x3b50c0;
strncpy(ebx, **var_454 + 0x5eee, 0xf);
*(int8_t *)(esi + 0xf) = 0x0;
*(int8_t *)(ebx + 0xf) = 0x0;
_crashlog("load pilot data 8");
goto loc_76205;
_crashlog("load pilot data 9");
eax = GetResource(0x4e70954c, 0x81);
esi = eax;
if (eax != 0x0) {
GetResInfo(esi, &var_1C, &var_20, &var_220);
strncpy(*0x3b5210, &var_220, 0x40);
FSGetCatalogInfo(var_4, 0x0, 0x0, &var_420, 0x0, 0x0);
_UnicodeNameGetHFSName(var_420 & 0xffff, &var_41E, 0xffff, 0x0, &var_120);
strncpy(*0x3b525c, &var_120, 0x1f);
CloseResFile(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)*dword_deecc));
_crashlog("making alias");
edi = *0x3b5138;
var_458 = edi;
*(int16_t *)(*edi + 0xc8fa) = 0x0;
*(*edi + 0xc8e4) = 0x0;
ebx = *edi;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0xc8fc) = (*(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x76)) * 0xabc + **0x3b5098 + 0xa00) & 0xffff) - 0x1;
*(*var_458 + 0xc8f0) = 0x0;
*(*var_458 + 0xc8e8) = 0x0;
*(*var_458 + 0xc910) = 0x0;
ecx = 0xc940;
do {
ebx = *var_458;
edx = ebx + ecx;
if ((*(int8_t *)(edx + 0xb8) != 0x0) && (*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x9a) == 0x0)) {
edi = *0x3b5098;
eax = sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(edx + 0x76));
esi = *edi;
if ((*(int8_t *)(eax * 0xabc + esi + 0xa24) & 0x80) != 0x0) {
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0xc8fc) = (*(int16_t *)(sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x76)) * 0xabc + esi + 0xa00) & 0xffff) - 0x1;
else {
*(int16_t *)(edx + 0xc8fc) = 0x0;
ecx = ecx + 0xc940;
} while (ecx != 0x325000);
esi = 0x0;
do {
edi = *0x3b5098;
*(int16_t *)(0xa2a + esi + *edi) = _Rand(0x64) + 0x1;
ebx = esi;
esi = esi + 0xabc;
*(int16_t *)(0xa2c + ebx + *edi) = _Rand(0x64) + 0x1;
} while (esi != 0x203400);
esi = 0x0;
do {
ebx = esi;
esi = esi + 0x37c;
*(int16_t *)(0x1e + ebx + **0x3b5194) = _Rand(0x64) + 0x1;
} while (esi != 0x6f800);
_crashlog("dumping pilot log");
eax = SAR((var_448 & 0xff) << 0x1f, 0x1f) & 0xffffffd2;
return eax;
eax = *dword_deecc;
eax = sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)eax);
goto loc_76235;
goto loc_7649d;
eax = 0xffffffd5;
return eax;
edi = *0x3b5138;
var_458 = edi;
*(int16_t *)(*edi + 0x76) = edx;
var_448 = 0x1;
goto loc_75436;
*(int16_t *)(**0x3b5138 + 0x74) = edx;
goto loc_75318;
if (*(int8_t *)(sign_extend_16(eax) * 0x1fc + **0x3b5180 + 0x1ed) != 0x0) goto loc_7531f;
*(int16_t *)(ebx + 0x74) = 0xffff;
goto loc_752ce;
_crashlog("warning: pilot file stellar ID out of range");
eax = 0x0;
edx = **0x3b5010;
goto loc_75232;
if (*(int8_t *)(edx + 0x45) != 0x0) goto loc_75205;
eax = eax + 0x1;
edx = edx + 0x498;
if (eax != 0x800) goto loc_75232;
edx = 0x0;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
goto loc_7525b;
edx = eax;
var_448 = 0x1;
var_458 = *0x3b5138;
goto loc_7525b;
eax = sign_extend_32(*(int16_t *)*dword_deecc);
goto loc_76235;
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