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Last active November 19, 2017 13:33
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Taken from Essential Scala by Noel Welsh and Dave Gurnell

The type class pattern separates the implementation of functionality from the type the functionality is provided for.

In Scala, a type class is just a trait.

trait ExampleTypeClass[A] {
  def doSomething(in: A): Foo

Full example:

trait HtmlWriter[A] {
  def write(in: A): String

object PersonWriter extends HtmlWriter[Person] {
  def write(person: Person) = s"<span>${} &lt;${}&gt;</span>"

PersonWriter.write(Person("John", ""))

To use a type class we:

  • create implementations of that trait, called type class instances; and
  • typically we mark the type class instances as implicit values.

Implicit Scope:

  1. Normal scope where other identifiers are found (including local scope and imports).
  2. Companion objects of types involved in the method call with the implicit parameter.

For example:

sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): List[A]

The compiler will look in the following places for Ordering instances:

  • the companion object of List;
  • the companion object of Ordering; and
  • the companion object of the type B, which is the type of elements in the list or any superclass.

Implicit Priority:

Local scope takes precedence over instances found in companion objects (resutls in no ambiguity).

Type Enrichment:

Implicit Classes

implicit class ExtraStringMethods(str: String) {
  val vowels = Seq('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
  def numberOfVowels =
    str.toList.filter(vowels contains _).length

"the quick brown fox".numberOfVowels
// res: Int = 5

When the compiler processes our call to numberOfVowels, it interprets it as a type error because there is no such method in String. Rather than give up, the compiler a empts to fix the error by searching for an implicit class that provides the method and can be constructed from a String. It finds ExtraStringMethods. The compiler then inserts an invisible constructor call, and our code type checks correctly.

The compiler will not look to construct a chain of implicit classes to access the desired method.

Example Equal[A]

trait Equal[A] {
  def equal(v1: A, v2: A): Boolean

object Equal {

  // Type Class Interface Pattern
  def apply[A](implicit instance: Equal[A]): Equal[A] = instance
  implicit class ToEqual[A](in: A) {
    def ===(other: A)(implicit equal: Equal[A]): Boolean =
      equal.equal(in, other)

implicit val caseInsensitiveEquals = new Equal[String] { def equal(s1: String, s2: String) =
    s1.toLowerCase == s2.toLowerCase

import Equal._


Context Bounds

def pageTemplate[A](body: A)(implicit writer: HtmlWriter[A]): String = {
  val renderedBody = body.toHtml

can be written as:

def pageTemplate[A : HtmlWriter](body: A): String = {
  val renderedBody = body.toHtml
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