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Created November 11, 2017 13:56
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sealed trait Node {
def print: String =
this match {
case Obj(v) => v.toString
case JSONObj(v) => s"{\n${v.print}\n}"
case Element(k, v) => s"""\t"$k": "${v.print}",\n"""
case JSONEnd => ""
case JSONPair(hd, tl) => s"${hd.print} ${tl.print}"
case JSONSeq(hd, tl) => s"[ ${hd.print} ${tl.print} ]"
final case class Obj(val value: Any) extends Node
final case class Element(val key: String, val value: Node) extends Node
sealed trait JSONList extends Node
final case object JSONEnd extends JSONList
final case class JSONObj(val value: Node) extends Node
final case class JSONPair(val head: Node, val tail: JSONList) extends JSONList
final case class JSONSeq(val head: Node, val tail: JSONList) extends JSONList
val example1: JSONList = JSONSeq(Obj("a string"), JSONPair(Obj(1.0), JSONPair(Obj(true), JSONEnd)))
val example2 = JSONObj(
Element("a", JSONPair(Obj(1), JSONPair(Obj(2), JSONPair(Obj(3), JSONEnd)))),
Element("b", JSONPair(Obj("a"), JSONPair(Obj("b"), JSONPair(Obj("c"), JSONEnd)))),
Element("c", JSONObj(JSONPair(
Element("doh", Obj(true)),
Element("Ray", Obj(false)),
Element("me", Obj(1)),
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