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Created May 27, 2024 14:16
An 'atomic fuzzer' for Rust
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright 2024 Higher Order Company
//! An 'atomic fuzzer' to exhaustively test an atomic algorithm for correctness.
//! This fuzzer can test an algorithm with every possible ordering of parallel
//! instructions / update propagation.
//! This module implements a subset of the [`std::sync::atomic`] api. To test an
//! algorithm with the fuzzer, it must first be compiled to use this module's
//! atomics, rather than std's. Then, it can be called from within
//! [`Fuzzer::fuzz`].
//! For example, here's a test of the ['nomicon][nomicon-example]'s example of
//! atomic ordering:
//! [nomicon-example]:
//! ```
//! # use std::collections::HashSet;
//! use hvmc::fuzz::{Fuzzer, AtomicU64, Ordering};
//! let mut results = HashSet::new();
//! Fuzzer::default().fuzz(|f| {
//! let x = AtomicU64::new(0);
//! let y = AtomicU64::new(1);
//! f.scope(|s| { // use `f.scope` instead of `std::thread::scope`
//! s.spawn(|| {
//!, Ordering::Relaxed);
//!, Ordering::Relaxed);
//! });
//! s.spawn(|| {
//! if x.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == 1 {
//! * 2, Ordering::Relaxed);
//! }
//! });
//! });
//! results.insert(;
//! });
//! assert_eq!(results, [6, 3, 2].into_iter().collect());
//! ```
//! Note that the atomic types exposed by this module will panic if used outside
//! of a thread spawned by [`Fuzzer::fuzz`].
//! Internally, the fuzzer works by iterating through *decision paths*,
//! sequences of integers indicating which branch is taken at each
//! non-deterministic instruction. This might, for example, correspond to which
//! thread is switched to at a given yield point.
//! The shape of the decision tree is not known ahead of time, and is instead
//! progressively discovered through execution. Thus, when a path is first
//! executed, it may not be the full path -- there may be branches that are not
//! specified. In the extreme case, at the very beginning, the path starts as
//! `[]`, with no branches specified.
//! When a branching point is reached that is not specified in the path, the
//! *last* branch is automatically chosen, and this decision is appended to the
//! path. For example, executing path `[]` might disambiguate it to `[1, 2, 1]`.
//! The last path is chosen because this alleviates the need to store the number
//! of branches at any given point -- instead, branches are selected in
//! decreasing order, so when the index reaches `0`, we know that there are no
//! more branches to explore.
//! By default, fuzzing starts at path `[]`, which will test the full decision
//! tree. Alternatively, one can specify a different path to start at with
//! [`Fuzzer::with_path`] -- this is useful, for example, to debug a failing
//! path late in the tree. (It's important to note, though, that the semantics
//! of the path are very dependent on the specifics of the algorithm, so if the
//! algorithm is changed (particularly, the atomic instructions it executes),
//! old paths may no longer be valid.)
use crate::prelude::*;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
use core::{
cell::{OnceCell, RefCell},
use std::{
sync::{Condvar, Mutex},
thread::{self, Scope, ThreadId},
use nohash_hasher::IntMap;
pub struct Atomic<T: HasAtomic> {
value: T::Atomic,
impl<T: HasAtomic + Default> Default for Atomic<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T: HasAtomic> Atomic<T> {
pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
Atomic { value: T::new_atomic(value) }
/// Reads the final value of this atomic -- should only be called in a
/// non-parallel context; i.e., at the end of a test.
pub fn read(&self) -> T {
fn with<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&Fuzzer, &mut Vec<T>, &mut usize) -> (bool, R)) -> R {
ThreadContext::with(|ctx| {
if !ctx.just_started {
ctx.just_started = false;
let key = &self.value as *const _ as usize;
let view = ctx.views.entry(key).or_insert_with(|| AtomicView {
history: ctx
.or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![T::load(&self.value)])))
index: 0,
let history: &AtomicHistory<T> = view.history.to_any().downcast_ref().unwrap();
let mut history = history.lock().unwrap();
let (changed, r) = f(&ctx.fuzzer, &mut history, &mut view.index);
if changed {
pub fn load(&self, _: Ordering) -> T {
self.with(|fuzzer, history, index| {
let delta = fuzzer.decide(history.len() - *index);
*index += delta;
let value = history[*index];
(false, value)
pub fn store(&self, value: T, _: Ordering) {
self.with(|_, history, index| {
*index = history.len();
T::store(&self.value, value);
(true, ())
pub fn swap(&self, new: T, _: Ordering) -> T {
self.with(|_, history, index| {
*index = history.len();
let old = *history.last().unwrap();
T::store(&self.value, new);
(true, old)
pub fn compare_exchange(&self, expected: T, new: T, _: Ordering, _: Ordering) -> Result<T, T> {
self.with(|_, history, index| {
let old = *history.last().unwrap();
if old == expected {
*index = history.len();
T::store(&self.value, new);
(true, Ok(old))
} else {
*index = history.len() - 1;
(false, Err(old))
pub fn compare_exchange_weak(&self, expected: T, new: T, _: Ordering, _: Ordering) -> Result<T, T> {
self.with(|fuzzer, history, index| {
let old = *history.last().unwrap();
if old == expected && fuzzer.decide(2) == 1 {
*index = history.len();
T::store(&self.value, new);
(true, Ok(old))
} else {
*index = history.len() - 1;
(false, Err(old))
pub fn fetch_add(&self, delta: T, _: Ordering) -> T {
self.with(|_, history, index| {
*index = history.len();
let old = *history.last().unwrap();
let new = old + delta;
T::store(&self.value, new);
(true, old)
pub fn spin_loop() {
ThreadContext::with(|ctx| {
let mut unsynced = ctx
.map(|x| {
let l = x.history.len();
(x, l)
.filter(|x| x.0.index + 1 < x.1)
if !unsynced.is_empty() {
let idx = ctx.fuzzer.decide(unsynced.len());
let unsynced = &mut unsynced[idx];
let amount = 1 + ctx.fuzzer.decide(unsynced.1 - unsynced.0.index - 1);
unsynced.0.index += amount;
} else {
ctx.just_started = true;
/// One thread's view of an atomic variable -- a reference to the history, and
/// an index into it that denotes the currently propagated value.
struct AtomicView<H: ?Sized> {
history: Arc<H>,
index: usize,
/// The history of an atomic variable (a vector of the vales it has held).
type AtomicHistory<T> = Mutex<Vec<T>>;
/// Currently, only `Ordering::Relaxed` is supported; other orderings could
/// theoretically be supported, but this has not been implemented, as HVM
/// currently only uses `Relaxed` operations.
pub enum Ordering {
struct ThreadContext {
fuzzer: Arc<Fuzzer>,
views: IntMap<usize, AtomicView<dyn AnyAtomicHistory>>,
just_started: bool,
impl ThreadContext {
fn init(fuzzer: Arc<Fuzzer>) {
CONTEXT.with(|ctx| {
assert!(ctx.get().is_none(), "thread context already initialized");
ctx.get_or_init(|| RefCell::new(ThreadContext { fuzzer, views: Default::default(), just_started: true }));
fn with<T>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut ThreadContext) -> T) -> T {
CONTEXT.with(|ctx| f(&mut ctx.get().expect("cannot use fuzz atomics outside of Fuzzer::fuzz").borrow_mut()))
impl<T: ?Sized> Clone for AtomicView<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
AtomicView { history: self.history.clone(), index: self.index }
trait AnyAtomicHistory: Any + Send + Sync {
fn len(&self) -> usize;
fn to_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
impl<T: 'static + Send> AnyAtomicHistory for AtomicHistory<T> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn to_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
thread_local! {
static CONTEXT: OnceCell<RefCell<ThreadContext>> = const { OnceCell::new() };
struct DecisionPath {
path: Vec<usize>,
index: usize,
impl DecisionPath {
fn decide(&mut self, options: usize) -> usize {
if options == 1 {
return 0;
if options == 0 {
panic!("you left me no choice");
if self.index == self.path.len() {
self.path.push(options - 1);
let choice = self.path[self.index];
self.index += 1;
fn next_path(&mut self) -> bool {
self.index = 0;
while self.path.last() == Some(&0) || self.path.len() > 100 {
if let Some(branch) = self.path.last_mut() {
*branch -= 1;
} else {
pub struct Fuzzer {
path: Mutex<DecisionPath>,
atomics: Mutex<IntMap<usize, Arc<dyn AnyAtomicHistory + Send + Sync>>>,
current_thread: Mutex<Option<ThreadId>>,
active_threads: Mutex<Vec<ThreadId>>,
blocked_threads: Mutex<Vec<ThreadId>>,
condvar: Condvar,
main: Option<ThreadId>,
impl Fuzzer {
pub fn with_path(path: Vec<usize>) -> Self {
Fuzzer { path: Mutex::new(DecisionPath { path, index: 0 }), ..Default::default() }
pub fn fuzz(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&Arc<Fuzzer>) + Send) {
thread::scope(move |s| {
s.spawn(move || {
self.main = Some(thread::current().id());
let fuzzer = Arc::new(self);
let mut i = 0;
loop {
println!("{:6} {:?}", i, &fuzzer.path.lock().unwrap().path);
ThreadContext::with(|ctx| ctx.views.clear());
i += 1;
if !fuzzer.path.lock().unwrap().next_path() {
println!("checked all {} paths", i);
/// Makes a non-deterministic decision, returning an integer within
/// `0..options`.
pub fn decide(&self, options: usize) -> usize {
pub fn maybe_swap<T>(&self, a: T, b: T) -> (T, T) {
if self.decide(2) == 1 { (b, a) } else { (a, b) }
/// Yields to the "scheduler", potentially switching to another thread.
pub fn yield_point(&self) {
if self.switch_thread() {
fn unblock_threads(&self) {
let mut active_threads = self.active_threads.lock().unwrap();
let mut blocked_threads = self.blocked_threads.lock().unwrap();
fn block_thread(&self) {
let thread_id = thread::current().id();
let mut active_threads = self.active_threads.lock().unwrap();
let mut blocked_threads = self.blocked_threads.lock().unwrap();
let idx = active_threads.iter().position(|x| x == &thread_id).unwrap();
fn switch_thread(&self) -> bool {
let thread_id = thread::current().id();
let active_threads = self.active_threads.lock().unwrap();
if active_threads.is_empty() {
if self.main != Some(thread_id) {
return false;
let new_idx = self.decide(active_threads.len());
let new_thread = active_threads[new_idx];
if new_thread == thread_id {
return false;
let mut current_thread = self.current_thread.lock().unwrap();
*current_thread = Some(new_thread);
fn pause_thread(&self) {
let thread_id = thread::current().id();
let mut current_thread = self.current_thread.lock().unwrap();
while *current_thread != Some(thread_id) {
current_thread = self.condvar.wait(current_thread).unwrap();
pub fn scope<'e>(self: &Arc<Self>, f: impl for<'s, 'p> FnOnce(&FuzzScope<'s, 'p, 'e>)) {
thread::scope(|scope| {
let scope = FuzzScope { fuzzer: self.clone(), scope, __: PhantomData };
assert_eq!(*self.current_thread.lock().unwrap(), None);
pub struct FuzzScope<'s, 'p: 's, 'e: 'p> {
fuzzer: Arc<Fuzzer>,
scope: &'s Scope<'s, 'p>,
__: PhantomData<&'e mut &'e ()>,
impl<'s, 'p: 's, 'e: 's> FuzzScope<'s, 'p, 'e> {
pub fn spawn<F: FnOnce() + Send + 's>(&self, f: F) {
let fuzzer = self.fuzzer.clone();
let ready = Arc::new(atomic::AtomicBool::new(false));
let views = ThreadContext::with(|ctx| ctx.views.clone());
let ready = ready.clone();
move || {
ThreadContext::with(|ctx| ctx.views = views);
let thread_id = thread::current().id();
fuzzer.active_threads.lock().unwrap().push(thread_id);, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let mut active_threads = fuzzer.active_threads.lock().unwrap();
let i = active_threads.iter().position(|&t| t == thread_id).unwrap();
if !active_threads.is_empty() {
} else {
*fuzzer.current_thread.lock().unwrap() = None;
while !ready.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
pub trait HasAtomic: 'static + Copy + Eq + Send + Add<Output = Self> + Debug {
type Atomic;
fn new_atomic(value: Self) -> Self::Atomic;
fn load(atomic: &Self::Atomic) -> Self;
fn store(atomic: &Self::Atomic, value: Self);
macro_rules! decl_atomic {
($($T:ident: $A:ident),* $(,)?) => {$(
pub type $A = Atomic<$T>;
impl HasAtomic for $T {
type Atomic = atomic::$A;
fn new_atomic(value: Self) -> Self::Atomic {
fn load(atomic: &Self::Atomic) -> Self {
fn store(atomic: &Self::Atomic, value: Self) {, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)
decl_atomic! {
u8: AtomicU8,
u16: AtomicU16,
u32: AtomicU32,
u64: AtomicU64,
usize: AtomicUsize,
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