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Last active April 25, 2023 16:28
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vue composable modal pattern (problems)
<template lang="pug">
//- <----- rest of app goes here (RouterView / main shell / w.e)
//- don't even need to use teleport with this pattern...
Modal(v-for="({ body, bodyProps, modalProps }, idx) in modalStack" v-bind="modalProps" @close="modalClose(idx)")
//- XXX support { title, h2Md }, etc. besides body+bodyProps --
Suspense(v-if="!idx && body")
Component(:is="body" v-bind="bodyProps")
<script setup lang="ts">
import { provideModal } from "./modal"
import Modal from "./modal.vue"
const { modalStack, modalClose } = provideModal() // stack is readonly -- this is the ProvideModalContext
<template lang="pug">
div {{ modalOneProp }}
<script setup lang="ts">
modalOneProp: string
<template lang="pug">
button(@click="openModal") Open modal
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useModal } from "./modal"
import ModalOne from "./modal-one.vue"
// this composable maintains a stack of modals to show
const { modalPush } = useModal()
function openModal() {
// this composable api so that we can open modals from other composables
// i basically have this working except for 2 really bad issues:
// 1) cannot use `inject()` inside @components/modal/one.vue that is "in scope" of stuff provided 'above' this file
// 2) hmr is kinda busted
body: ModalOne,
bodyProps: {
modalOneProp: "hello world",
import {
type AllowedComponentProps,
type Component,
type Ref,
type VNodeProps,
} from "vue"
type ComponentProps<C extends Component> = C extends new (...args: any) => any
? Omit<
keyof VNodeProps | keyof AllowedComponentProps
: never
type ModalPushOpts<K extends Component> = {
id: string
modalProps?: ComponentProps<typeof Modal>
body?: K
bodyProps?: ComponentProps<K>
export type ModalStack = ModalPushOpts<any>[]
const MODAL = Symbol("MODAL")
export function provideModal(): ModalContext {
const ctx = {
stack: reactive<ModalStack>([]),
provide(MODAL, ctx)
return {
modalStack: readonly(ctx.stack),
modalClose(idx: number) {
ctx.stack.splice(idx, 1)
export function useModal() {
const ctx = inject<ModalContext>(MODAL)
if (!ctx) {
throw new Error("must provideModal()")
return {
modalPush<K extends Component>(opts: ModalPushOpts<K>) {
if (ctx.stack[0]?.id !== {
<template lang="pug">
.fixed.inset-0.flex.flex-col.items-center(style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.4)" @click="$emit('close')")
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